DYMO® LabelManager® 160: Helps Mom Get organized


Labels with DYMO LabelManager

I run 2 businesses: My blogs and my home! To keep my sanity in those business and keep myself on top of things, I organize everything! Everything or most is scheduled, organized into folders, labled!  I used to buy those label pad and write everything by hand. It is too long and sometimes the handwriting disappears . Then I switched to Printer Labels. These are good for large offices when they have too many labels to print but it is not convenient for a home business or for the home when you have to print one or 2 labels at a time. Besides when you need the label in the kitchen to organize your pantry, you don’t want to go to your computer, write it down and then print it : this is too long!

When I got the opportunity to review the  DYMO® LabelManager® 160 Hand held Label Maker, I was excited! With the summer camp season around the corner, it will help me organize all these kids personal items.

Features of the DYMO LabelManager 160 Hand held Label Maker



Dimensions: 9.9 x 6.6 x 2.6 inches ; 1.2 pounds. It is perfect as it can be stored in one of your kitchen cupboards easitly. So you will have it on hand. Your tween can help you with the labeling. My son had fun labeling all his summer camp items. Usually it took him ages to write down 5 labels! Now he is excited to do.

Requires batteries: 6 AAA

Computer-style keyboard for easy typing: It is easy to write down. The keys are small so someone with large fingers can use it easily.It has a QWERTY keybord which makes it easier for you to write. Other hand lableers use the ABC keybord and it is a waste of time when you are used to a computer.

Preview before printing with large LCD display: This my favorite feature as it will avoid wasting lables and will help you save money down the road.

You can format the text in a quick way: Bold, Italic, vertical and horizontal text

Portable: You can have it anywhere you want. It can fit your purse if you want!

Water resistant label: It resited to hot coffee as well as cold milk spills.




How to use The Dymo LabelManager 160


  • Turn on with the on button on the left
  • Write your label: coffee
  • Print
  • Cut with a label cutter. You will get a neat label with crisp black letter on a an adhesive white tape.

Buy This DYMO LabelManager 160

The Dymo LabelManager 160 handheld label maker is available at Staples Advantage, Costco, Grand & Toy, Basics, Lyreco & Novexco and Amazon,  throughout Canada and retails for approximately $34.99.


Win the DYMO LabelManager 160 Hand Held Label Maker : Canada Only.

  • Fill in the form below: Main entry: leave a comment: Best tip to keep your house organized on a budget
  • Open to Canada Only.
  • Ends July 2nd 2012.
  • Good Luck. M


Photo source: PR Company.

Disclosure: we were provided a sample for the purposes of the review. All opinions are ours.



42 thoughts on “DYMO® LabelManager® 160: Helps Mom Get organized”

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  2. Use large freezer bags to keep parts of toys together (i.e. Mr Potato Head + all his parts in one bag).

  3. Best tip to keep your house organized on a budget is to cleanup as you go along – fold clothing rather than leave them on floor, put things in their place, put like products together, don’t clutter up your house. Simple tasks can make your place look more organized than all those organizing products if you’re not tidy to begin with.

  4. Do a spring cleaning every year and discard or donate clothes or other items you have not used in the last year.

  5. Purge your home of everything you haven’t used in the last 2 years…and then sell these items by holding a garage sale. Costs nothing and will actually make you money :)

  6. Just keep it simple and reuse items that you may have in your house already like gift boxes for organizing and storing.

  7. Rubbermaid containers are great to keep thing organized. And I love going to garage sale/markets to found some bargains.

  8. i have designated drawers or bin for different things and if we use anything it goes back to the same place we took it out of. keeps everything free of clutter.

  9. I try to keep it simple by getting rid of the staff I don’t need. As for the keeping on a budget, I try to reuse and re-purpose everything I can ( like jars, crates from fruits etc.) and also visiting the nearest thrift store on weekly basis :)

  10. The best way to keep on budget is make a menu. I find when I have a menu and stick to it, I only buy things I need at the grocery store.

  11. Seriously the most important thing to me is. Put everything away or back in it’s place. Then you know what you have and do not spend money replacing items you already own.

  12. we actually will have a smorg of left overs one night, it’s amazing what would get thrown out, i have also used left overs in other recipes and frozen them .

  13. heather holmberg

    my best tip is to not waste food ! I have a list on my fridge and i write down what left overs are going in the fridge and the date … i also do the same for whats in the freezer.
    every garbage day i was sick of throwing away containers of food, hidden behind the pickle jar or the jug of juice .. now every time i open the fridge i see the list and can plan my meals around it

  14. Clear plastic over-the-door or on-a-hanger shoe organizers are great for storing odd shaped objects, e.g. fashion accessories. (The Dymo LabelManager would be handy here!)

  15. LOVE my label maker – critial tool as a professional organizer and a mom. We also us it to label camp stuff – shampoos and such make it home when it has their name on it!

    Thanks for the tips and review.


  16. My best tip is buying clear storage box and sort things in different categories and put them in boxes. Label them and group them in different area for easy finding

  17. Buying refill products, save me alot of $ and are better for the enviroment, Also Good old vinegar/water/Lemon Work great on all surfaces :)

  18. To keep organized, clean up before I go to bed. Helps make the next day easier.
    As for budgetting, shop sales. It makes for tons of variety.

    FYI, not sure if it’s me but the commentluv portion of the comments isn’t working.
    Regards, Sarah

  19. Storage solutions on the cheap? Dollar stores are great for baskets and clear containers to place all your small incedentals in.

  20. Look for storage solutions at the dollar store. There are a variety of storage baskets, containers all for a buck or two!

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