5 Easy Tips to Help You Look and Feel Great in 2017

Celebrate the new year with a new health & beauty routine! Check out 5 easy tips to help you look and feel great in 2017!

After months of holiday fun (and, let’s be honest, a few too many cookies!), it’s time to get back on track and take better care of ourselves. January is the perfect time to start a new health & beauty routine, add some good new habits to your regime or just plain get your regular “feel good” routine back on track. I’m sharing a few of my favorite tips to look and feel your best in 2017. I’d love to hear yours, too!

Tips to Look and Feel Great in 2017

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is one of the easiest tips to look and feel great all year round. Did you know that experts say drinking water can help prevent dehydration-induced wrinkles? Try swapping out your pop or other sugary drinks for a glass of water. You can infuse some fruit into it or add a bit of lemon if you just don’t love plain water. Another idea: set reminders on your phone or calendar to fill up your glass every few hours. After a couple of weeks, it will become routine!

Stay Moisturized


Silky smooth skin is the first step in a beauty routine. The Dermal Therapy line of moisturizers helps restore your skin’s moisture with elements similar to those found naturally in healthy skin.  Make it part of your shower routine to moisturize. After a hectic day, the shower may feel like a relaxing oasis. Extend that feeling by taking the time to moisturize after each shower.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is so important to helping you look and feel great. Did you know that getting less than six hours sleep can affect your appearance? You may notice wrinkles, dark circles or puffy eyes. I know when I don’t sleep enough, I get horrible dark circles!  Lack of sleep can even change your facial expressions; you tend to furrow your brow and frown more when you’re tired. Here’s an easy tip to make sure you get plenty of sleep: set an alarm for bedtime! You set an alarm to get out of bed in the morning. Use the same approach to make sure you get to bed early enough at night! 

Enjoy more good hair days



Sure, you can hide a “bad hair day” under a scarf in the winter, but spring is just around the corner! Why not start prepping your hair now for those warmer days when your glorious mane is on full display?  PRIORIN® is a supplement that supplies the hair with millet extract, the amino acid L-cystine and calcium pantothenate, which in combination has been clinically shown to promote hair growth and hair re-growth. PRIORIN® also contains the nutrient biotin, which helps to maintain healthy hair. Take 2 capsules daily with food for 3-6 months. Make it part of your breakfast or lunch routine so you remember to take your supplements daily.  

Find Your Inner Peace

Too much stress can make us feel miserable both physically and emotionally. While reducing stress is often easier said than done, it’s important to try to carve out a few “me” moments throughout the day. Pencil it in if you have to! Take a few moments to meditate, color or even just read a magazine article. Here’s a tip: take advantage of things like waiting in line, sitting in the doctor’s office and those other moments where we have nothing to do but wait. Rather than catching up on emails during that time, keep a book with you or open up a relaxing game to play on your phone.

What other tips or tricks do you have to kick-start your beauty routine & look and feel your best for the New Year?

This post is brought to you by Bayer®. All opinions are our own.

30 thoughts on “5 Easy Tips to Help You Look and Feel Great in 2017”

  1. Improving my health is definitely one of my biggest goals for 2017. Stress relief is so important when talking about wellness. It is amazing what stress can do to a body.

  2. I am trying my hardest to follow these tips. My skin is horrible in the winter time. I try to put lotion on my hands each time I wash them because they are so dry.

  3. Such great tips! I seem to never get enough sleep! And my skin is dry all the time! I need a good moisturizer in my life!

  4. I have been working on drinking more water. I have started to notice a difference in my skin. Thanks for the great tips.

  5. Lisa Marie Heath

    I follow most of these, but the one I struggle with and am working on is staying hydrated. I’ve never been a huge water drinker and I’ve been trying to force it this year because I KNOW it’s important

  6. Heather Pfingsten

    Fantastic post. 4 of the 5 are on my list of things that I want to work on this year to create a better me … a me that feels better. Off to get some water and hopefully more sleep tonight.

  7. I have been trying to drink a lot more water in a day and I am starting to see a big difference in my skin. I need to work on getting enough sleep.

  8. Absolutely sounds great! I love this tips and so glad that you share this with us. I want to try this to have get enough sleep

  9. I am definitely forcusing on hydration this year! I have had a significant loss of weight, and I’m doing everything I can to get my skin to firm up naturally – hydrating is a key component!

  10. Lack of sleep is definitely a killer in our household. I find it causes a domino effect of bad eating due to stress and cranky moods- which leads to less sleep. This supplement sounds like it would work wonders!

  11. Kelly McDaniel Hartigan

    Stress and lack of sleep are two of my biggest issues. I go to the gym five days per week. I’ve found exercise helps me with relieving stress, keeping healthy, and being able to sleep better.

  12. Everyone of us wanted to stay healthy and that is the goal most of us set every year. These are some great tips & I am really good when it comes to staying hydrated as I usually drink a lot of water. Getting enough sleep & avoiding stress is something I need to work further for a healthy life!

  13. I’d like to be able to get better sleep. I always feel like I don’t get enough of the good REM so I’m always tired. I would love to make a change moving forward.

  14. Staying hydrated is something I’m working on. I need to increase my water intake as i know it’ll help my skin out.

  15. Kelly Hutchinson

    So many great tips! I seriously need to get more sleep. I am working on several of the others. Eating healthy is a big one for me right now.

  16. These are all great tips. I’m trying to stay healthier by eating healthier and exercising more. I love water already, so I just need to drink more of that.

  17. Chrishelle Ebner

    I definitely plan on making 2017 an amazing year. I have been increasing my water intake, making changes to my diet, and trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. I need to check out the products you recommended. I could always use a good hair day and moisturized skin.

  18. Upping my water intake and cutting out the sugary drinks is one of my big goals right now. I struggle with this so much, and I know I am not as hydrated as I need to be. I can definitely do better with the rest of these points as well, and I’m intrigued by Priorin, I’m going to have to check this product out. My hair needs some help!

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