4 Tips to Keep You Happy & Healthy “Down There” This Summer

Let’s talk about something that just about every woman deals with and no one ever really brings up: pesky issues “down south.” No, I’m not talking about the actual south, I’m talking about YOUR south! You know…down there.

Summer can wreak havoc on your nether regions! Check out 4 tips to keep you happy and healthy

 Summer is filled with many wonderful things. Family vacations, long days lounging on the beach, bbqs on the patio. All fabulously wonderful things that make us look forward to the season. Unfortunately, with the good comes the bad, and one of those “bad” things is increased risk of yeast infections brought on by the heat and humidity. Nothing ruins a luxurious day on the beach faster than a burning and itching sensation in your nether regions!

Tips for staying healthy and happy “down there.”

Surprisingly, yeast infections affect more women than you think! Approximately five per cent of women experience reoccurring yeast infections (3 to 4 infections in the last year)* and this has a lot to do with heat. The infection occurs when moisture gets trapped and yeast can overgrow, causing itching, burning and discomfort. If you’ve had one, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The good news is that with a few simple tips, you can avoid that pesky itch. Our partners at Church and Dwight shared some of their top tips to keep you healthier and much happier down there.

  1. Remember to dry off: Relaxing in a hot tub is the perfect way to enjoy a warm, summer evening. However, yeast grows best in a moist environment, making hot tubs a breeding ground for unwanted infections. This means it’s important to dry off well afterwards and change into dry clothes right away. Use this same approach when spending the day at the beach or pool.
  2. Know your pH: Many vaginal health issues, including odour, itchiness and yeast infections stem from an unbalanced pH. RepHresh™ Gel is a gynecologist recommended product and clinically proven to be pH balanced which can help to eliminate feminine odour and relieve feminine discomfort.
  3. Wear cotton undies: Unfortunately, your tight skinny jeans may not be the best option this summer. Warm, tight clothing allows for little oxygen movement making the perfect breeding ground for yeast. If you must rock the skinnies, wear cotton underwear.
  4. Take healthy measures: RepHresh™ Pro-B reduces the number of urogenital pathogenic bacteria and yeast on vaginal surfaces. It’s clinically tested and works by balancing the yeast and bacteria that are naturally present in a woman’s body to help restore and maintain proper vaginal flora. Try adding one capsule to your daily routine to keep your body on track and ensure nothing slows you down this summer!

This post was sponsored by Church & Dwight. All opinions are our own.

Are you ready to beat the summer heat? I would love your feedback if you’ve tried either of these products.


*Source: http://bodyandhealth.canada.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/oh-no-not-another-yeast-infection

22 thoughts on “4 Tips to Keep You Happy & Healthy “Down There” This Summer”

  1. Oh … I know all about this! I figured out the hard way just how important this is. This product sounds amazing and because I’m getting older and not able to keep up with my hormones, my body seems to go crazy at random times making it difficult for me to figure out why I go through yeast infections. This is sooooo great to know and to have! Thank you!

  2. This is an amazing reminder for all of us. I think it’s important to look into the feminine products that we’re using everyday. The PH balance is definitely going to affect our health down there and using the right one is going to make a huge difference.

  3. It’s so important to keep things healthy down there! Cotton underwear helps, but loose fitting clothes such as skirts seem to help a lot as well! I’ll have to check out the probiotics– we’ve used probiotics in the past for my son’s lactose intolerance issues, but I never thought to use it for preventing yeast infections!

  4. I think being more aware of my pH is something I have to practice more. As a woman, it’s important to understand your body so posts like this are eye-opening. Love the fact that you’ve decided to talk about it on Our Family World – not many bloggers are comfortable in doing so! But the information is so important and relevant.

  5. Censie 'Mumby' Sawyer

    Great tips. People do not want to talk about this because they are embarrassed but it is really important that we take care of ourselves “down there”. Great tips that I will be sharing.

  6. As women, taking care of ourselves is so important! The cotton underwear is such a great tip, too! Would much rather feel good than worry about all that this summer. Thanks for all of the great tips.

  7. Gemille Sleweon

    Cotton undies are always a must especially in the hot NC weather I am experiencing. I’ve read that yogurt also helps keep our pH balanced. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  8. I do not know my pH level. This is something that I have not thought of checking out before. As someone who lives in the hot south, I can relate to having to keep this in mind.

  9. Yep, I have to worry about this. My “down there” is not the same after having four kids and I have to remember to take care of myself. The cotton undies tip is spot on as well!

  10. I do not miss the hot summers I was used to back in the States… for this, among other reasons. Fortunately, Denmark’s climate is like autumn for most of the year and winter for the rest of it, so this isn’t much of a problem for me these days, though I still love my dresses and cotton undies!

  11. I have never heard of this product before and I’m so glad that you’re featuring it here. In summer, we definitely have to be extra caring of our personal health.

  12. Bathing suit season is problematic for so many reasons! These are all great tips for staying healthy all summer long.

  13. I had no idea this product existed. So far, I have been lucky not to fall victim to these down there issues.

  14. Kelly Hutchinson

    Women’s health is so important. I had not heard of rePHresh, but it sounds like a great way to stay fresh.

  15. Travel Blogger

    I didn’t even realize they made oral capsules for this. That is really good to know. It is important to take care of our bodies especially during summer.

  16. Melissa Chapman

    I have been lucky not to get frequent yeast infections. I think those pills and gel are worth knowing about for future reference.

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