5 Fabulously Easy Ways to Pep Up Your Morning Wellness Routine in the Winter

Although this post has been generously sponsored by Garnier Whole Blends, the opinions and language are my own.


I don’t know about you, but during the winter it’s kind of hard to get going in the morning. Half of the time, it’s still dark outside when I get up! Even though I’m usually a morning person, on those dark days I want nothing more than to crawl back under my warm fluffy blankets and hibernate! I need my morning routine to be fast, easy and most of all, help add a little pep to my step! Check out five things that I do to kick it up a notch in the winter, including using my favorite NEW Garnier Whole Blends hair care products!


5 Ways to Pep Up Your Morning Wellness Routine

Think Happy Thoughts

Ever feel like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and your whole day just goes downhill from there? Guess what? Your first morning thoughts probably have a lot to do with that! If you get out of bed thinking negative thoughts or bombard your brain with a massive to-do list before your feet hit the ground, you’re going to be miserable. Instead, think happy thoughts for at least the first few minutes. Tell yourself it’s going to be an amazing day, think about something that you’re looking forward to and let your mind have that few minutes of bliss before you bombard it with information.

Move your body



No, I don’t mean from your bed to the coffee pot! Well, not just that! Get moving to loosen up your muscles and get your blood flowing. You don’t have to go for a mile-long run or spend an hour on the treadmill. Just do five minutes of some yoga stretches, jog in place for a few minutes or get in a few pushups before you head to the coffee pot.

Get a breath of fresh air

Nothing wakes me up faster than the blast of arctic air when I step out my front door. Sometimes, it’s so cold that literally a breath is all I can handle! If you’re really having a hard time putting pep into your step in the morning, just pop your head out your front door and breathe in the fresh air. If it’s not insanely cold, you can take it a step further (literally) and actually stand outside for a few minutes and enjoy the serene quietness of a winter morning.

Make your shower more invigorating

Ah, that morning shower! There is nothing like it to awaken all your senses, especially when you use fabulous-smelling body & hair care products! For the body, I love to use something minty or citrusy, as it helps kick my brain into gear. For my hair, I use my favorite new shampoo and balm: NEW Garnier Whole Blends Moroccan Argan & Camellia Oils Marvelous Shampoo! The scent is so relaxing, kind of like being in a spa getting a hair treatment.



Since I’m usually in a rush in the morning, I need a shampoo that can handle my thick hair without applying it several times. With Garnier Whole Blends, I only need to apply a small amount once and it gets my hair squeaky clean. Plus it rinses out easily (if you have thick hair, you know how awesome this is!).


I followed up with the Marvelous Balm, which absolutely lives up to its name! The scent is amazing and it left my hair so soft, my curls well curled. Again, I only needed a small amount and didn’t have to leave it in for a long time. Major time saver! My hair felt soft and luxurious.


Leave time for finishing touches!

We’re often so rushed in the morning that we don’t leave time for a little pampering, yet those few extra minutes that we take to look our best can help us feel our best too! Whether it’s taking the extra minutes to choose amazing accessories that boost your confidence or giving your hair a little more attention, you’ll be happy you saved time for the finishing touches!

For my finishing touch, I love Garnier Whole Blends Marvelous Oil! It really helps with keeping my hair moisturized. During our freezing Canadian winter, I always wear a hat. It keeps my head warm, sure, but it isn’t so great for my hair! It leaves it feeling dry. The Marvelous Oil with Moroccan Argan and Camellia Oils helps restore some of the moisture, leaving it feeling soft. My husband even thought I styled my hair, which is a compliment because he never notices I went to the hairdresser unless I tell him before I go!


The Garnier Whole Blends hair care products are perfect for the whole family because they are Paraben Free, contain Natural Extracts and use gentle sulfates.  I need to apply the oil on my daughter’s hair, it will be perfect for her curly locks. They’re also available in New Legendary Olive Oil Blend. Each blend focuses on a different need for your hair, like healing and protecting or replenishing.


Ready to try it for yourself? Learn more about all the Whole Blends and find your perfect blend, then grab a coupon to save money on your purchase! Plus, join the conversation in a fun Twitter party on February 16, 2017 at 7 PM EST! Get all the details here!

Which Garnier Whole Blends blend would you really love to try out? Share in the comments!

32 thoughts on “5 Fabulously Easy Ways to Pep Up Your Morning Wellness Routine in the Winter”

  1. I love your tips for the perfect morning routine! Garnier sounds PERFECT for my thick hair, especially that easy rinse shampoo!

  2. I really love Garner’s Whole Blend shampoos, but haven tried the Moroccan Argan & Camellia Oils Marvelous Shampoo yet. Honey Treasures is our favorite at the moment. Morning showers during the winter are the worst!

  3. I haven’t tried this Garnier. I’d like to. I agree citrus is great for the shower too. And cold did you say???? ay!! I like the morning shower, but the cold I could do without entirely. ;)

  4. Jeanine @ sixtimemommy.com

    I just got some of this! I am really looking forward to trying it out myself. I am really hoping it does well for my hair!

  5. I have just recently seen these new products from Garnier and I am looking forward to trying them. I have heard great things about them and I love Moroccan argan oil so I think I will love them!

  6. I need invigorating because here in the South it’s HOT AND MUGGY. I usually spend Feb. and March in Upstate NY, and boy am I ever missing the COLD. Looking forward to trying out the Garnier Whole Blends Marvelous Oil!

  7. I have yet to try this line, but I have to agree with making your shower invigorating. My morning doesn’t officially start unless I have a nice long shower. A long shower doesn’t always happen, but a refreshing shower is always a must. :)

  8. My hair needs volume so I need a blend that give my hair a needed boost without weighing it down. I’ve checked out this line from Garnier yet, but it has peaked my interest.

  9. I love Garnier products. I am really anxious to try these new Whole Blends. I am thinking they will do wonderful things for my hair.

  10. I love Garnier products but I haven’t tried the whole blends line yet. I will have to check it out. I could always use some pep in the morning. I often feel like we are dragging every morning.

  11. I love these products. I have the honey treasures one and it smells so good. I need to try out some of their other items as well.

  12. These sound great and I love Garnier products too! My hair isn’t thick (or curly), but my oldest daughter has the most amazing thick curls – I’ll have to look for these for her!

  13. I have to try this! I have really thick hair, and I like a shampoo that rinses quickly. Whole Blends might help how dry and limp my hair has been this winter.

  14. I love how great my hair looks and feels since I have been using Garnier Whole Blends. My Daughter has noticed a huge difference in her hair as well.

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