3 Ways To Set A Good Example To Prevent Bullying In Your Kids

The best way to prevent bullying in your kids is to raise them to be kind & loving children. How do you do this? Follow these 3 ways to set a good example!

These 7 Ways To Set A Good Example To Prevent Bullying In You Kids are great for you to keep in mind in your daily life.  Setting the right example with your kids will help you to make sure your children don’t become bullies themselves.  It may not always keep them from being bullied, but it can help them learn to cope with being bullied should the need arise.

Related: How to Avoid Raising a Bully

3 Ways To Set A Good Example To Prevent Bullying In Your Kids

Don’t call people names

 It can be easy to call someone by a rude or derogatory name when you are frustrated.  Things as simple as calling someone stupid can be bullying in nature.  Be careful about your words and make sure you don’t call people names.  Be careful what you say and how you react in anger so you don’t call people names that your children can hear.

Ask forgiveness when you are wrong.  

We all make mistakes, but the most important example we can give our children is to make sure we ask forgiveness when we are wrong.  Simply admitting you made a mistake and hurt someone else with your actions will show them that it isn’t weakness to admit your wrongdoing.  Being strong enough to let them know you were wrong is important.  From yelling at them out of turn, to not listening when you need to – asking forgiveness of them as well as other around you is really important.

Don’t stereotype individuals.  

There are many stereotypes due to income, geography or culture. You could easily lump people together due to stereotypes and judge them without really knowing their story.  This is a bad example to your children and something you should work hard not to do.  Make sure you are looking at people for who they are and how they act, and not just what they look like or where they come from.

Related: Is Racist Bullying a Hate Crime?

Bottom line: The best way you can set a good example and help prevent your kids from becoming bullies is to communicate well with them.  Always talk openly and honestly about important things in your lives so they know that honest communication is important.

Spend time making sure you are keeping your focus where it needs to be.  Give your children a good example of love, forgiveness and compassion.  How you act and react toward others goes a long way toward how you set a good example to prevent bullying in your kids. It often takes some humility to admit when your own behavior is wrong.  Your children will see that and realize they too can be better people.

Do you have any other tips on how to set a good example to prevent bullying in kids? Share them in the comments!

24 thoughts on “3 Ways To Set A Good Example To Prevent Bullying In Your Kids”

  1. We are the biggest example of how to treat others that our kids will see and follow. We need to show them how to be good, kind, caring people. They will naturally follow our lead.

  2. Great tips. Parents and elder siblings must set the example for the younger members of the family. Aside from showing them how to behave in a nice way towards others, it is also important to keep an open line of communication between parents and child.

  3. We try to lead a positive life. If we see something we do not like in another person, we try to find an excuse to put them in a positive light. Like maybe they are rude only today because they had a bad day.

  4. These are great tips. We have to remember that we are our kids’ best teachers and role models. They imitate what they see from us, and we need to set good examples to prevent bullying of any kind.

  5. These are great tips. It’s so easy to flippantly call someone a name out of anger or act rudely towards someone, forgetting that children are always watching and learning. If we want to end bullying, we have to start with our own behavior! Thank you for the reminder.

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