Keep Your Yard Beautiful Year Round With These Lawn Care Tips for Autumn

If you give your lawn the attention it needs now, you will end up with a healthy lawn in the spring. Here are some lawn care tips for autumn.

Many people don’t pay much attention to their lawn during the autumn months. They think that because the grass grows slower during this time of the year, the fact is that the cooler temps and the occasional rainfall make it the ideal time to prepare your lawn for the spring season. If you give your lawn the attention it needs now, you will end up with a healthy lawn in the spring. Here are some lawn care tips for autumn.

Lawn Care Tips for Autumn


It is important to keep an eye on your irrigation when you are caring for your lawn in the fall. In the summer, when the weather is hot, your lawn needs to be watered often but in the fall, it doesn’t need as much water. While you don’t want to stop the watering process altogether in the fall, you don’t need to water it nearly as much as in the summer.


Just because the fall weather has arrived, doesn’t mean you can now stop mowing the grass. As long as your grass grows, you will need to continue to mow it.

Mulching leaves

Part of lawn care in the fall is mulching leaves. Some yards that have lots of trees will end up with a lawn full of leaves whereas yards that have little to no trees will end up with little to no leaves. In the fall, utilize a mulching lawn mower for the leaves. These mowers are designed to shred the leaves into tiny pieces. Once your mulch these leaves, you don’t have to do anything with them. You can leave them right on the lawn since they will nourish and protect the lawn in the winter months.


Whether or not you need to fertilize your lawn or not will depend on the type of grass you have. If you have warm-season grass such as Bermuda or centipede, you don’t have to fertilize the lawn until spring. If you have cool-season grass such as tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass, you will need to fertilize in the fall. For fertilizing, choose a granular fertilizer that is slow-release.

Do you have any favorite lawn care tips for Autumn that we missed? Share in the comments!

12 thoughts on “Keep Your Yard Beautiful Year Round With These Lawn Care Tips for Autumn”

  1. I had no idea that watering your lawn everyday is not as good as watering it every other day. It’s also good to know that mowing your lawn shorter is better than leaving it longer for the grass. I started to mowed some lawns on the side to get some extra cash on the side. It’s been really well so far, but I still have a lot to learn about lawns. Thanks for posting this article because it’s given me a lot of good ideas.

  2. There is a lot to caring for your yard in the Fall. We had lots of rain early summer, but now we are back with dry. Leaves must be dealt with.

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    Our lawn is already dead because of the cold weather we have been having. Soon we will have snow and won’t even see the grass.

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