Where to Get Support Online for Your Toddler’s Speech Delay

Need a little help coping with the communication barrier between you and your tot? Check out these resources for online support for toddler speech delays.

If you’re the parent of a child with a toddler speech delay, you might often feel alone in your struggles.  You do not have to feel this way.  The internet is an amazing tool!  And with smartphones and tablets now-a-days you can have support any time of day, where ever you may be.  So where do you start looking for support online?

 Online Support for Toddler Speech Delay

SpeechDelay.com:  This is a great online forum to get answers to your questions about a toddler speech delay.  There are many discussion topics you can scroll through or you can start your own.  You can also comment on others’ posts if you have some support yourself to give, or can relate in any way.  In order to use all features of the forum, you have to register.  You can browse around as a guest at first before you commit.

Mothering.com: This is a great place for moms.  There is so much information on here I am not sure you would need to go elsewhere!  Sections such as Mothering Forums, Parenting, Special Needs Parenting and more are helpful in answering questions.  If your question or concern has not yet been posted, you can start one.  You do have to register for this site as well.

Facebook: The great thing about Facebook I have found for myself is when you join a group, you really can start to bond with those in the group.  You share something in common that others don’t and you form a bond.  Search ‘Speech Delay’ and many groups and pages related to the topic pop up.  Before adding yourself to all the  toddler speech delay groups out there first get an understanding of the language of Facebook concerning groups.

  • Like page: A ‘Like’ page is a page that when you are on it, you click ‘like’ and the info posted will show up in your newsfeed.  You can post to the page, and you can private message the page, but mostly this sort of page is informational.
  • Open Group: This sort of group is just that, open to everyone.  You click ‘join’ and you are now a part of that group.  No one has to approve you.  An open group allows you to see what is posted before you join as well  So basically, nothing is secret in an open group.  It also means that if you post to the group, your friends will see this in their newsfeed “Sally posted to Speech Delay” and then what you posted.
  • Closed Group: A closed group means that you have to ask to be a member and wait to be approved.  In the meantime you can not see what is posted in the group, unlike an open group.  You can see a description of the group by clicking on the cover photo and you are allowed to see the members of the group.  Once you are a member, whatever you post is only seen by those members, no one on your friends list will see this. YOU will see it in your newsfeed, but no one else will.
  • Secret Group: A secret group is exactly that-secret.  Any group on Facebook that is ‘secret’ will not show up when you search for a topic.  The only way to become a member is to be added by someone in the group.  For example, if you are part of a open or closed group and someone there is a member of a secret group, she can add you to the secret group.  No one but those members of the secret group will know you are a part of this group.  Sort of like a secret society!  The benefit to those secret groups is that they tend to be small and intimate, you can really form some bonds and have amazing support from those in a secret group (I am part of one and it has really helped!)

I personally prefer Facebook over online forums only because forums are not as intimate as Facebook groups.  When you need support, you want it from people who understand.  While you can get that in a forum, the atmosphere is just different.  You can form real bonds with people in the groups you join in Facebook.  I know I have!  It’s like you have a whole new circle of friends at your fingertips.

Have you found support online for a toddler speech delay?  What do you prefer as a method, forums or Facebook groups?  Post your preferences and experiences below!  Also, let us know what you have found helpful when it comes to online support for speech delay.



13 thoughts on “Where to Get Support Online for Your Toddler’s Speech Delay”

  1. We went through speech delays with both children. I love that you are offering these resources for parents. It’s hard to know what to do when you are in that position.

  2. I never realized there were online support sources to draw from. What great information! I usually just tried to bond with other mom’s who are also struggling with a kid with speech delays. It’s so nice to know that you aren’t alone.

  3. My kids all talked so early so I never had to deal with this. As a teacher, I can see that these would be great resources for parents though.

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