5 Tips to Help You Manage Summer Chaos with Kids

Summer is all about freedom, but too much freedom can chaotic when you’re trying to get work done too! Check out 5 tips to help you manage summer chaos with your kids!

I love the freedom and fun that comes with summer, but let’s be honest for a minute: all that freedom comes with its fair share of challenges! Between running kids back and forth to their friends’ houses, trying to plan plenty of fun summer activities and trying to tackle chores with a chorus of “Mom? Mom? Mom?” in the background, it’s definitely a chaotic time! Don’t fret, we partnered with Church & Dwight to come up with a few great tips to help you manage summer chaos and still enjoy the sunshine as much as possible!

Tips for Managing Summer Chaos with Kids

Managing Summer Chaos

Encourage your children to get off their phones and get outside!

Kids are so much more connected to screens than we were as children. While technology has some amazing benefits for children, too much isn’t a good thing. Choose a time each day and declare it “screen-free” time. During that time, send your kids outdoors to burn off some excess energy. You might want to do this early in the morning or later in the afternoon if it’s incredibly hot where you live.

While the kids are outside playing, use this time to get to that huge pile of dishes or laundry that has been piling up. To clean all those dirty clothes and remove the grass stains your kids drag in, why not use Arm & Hammer™ Plus OxiClean™ Cold Water Power Paks, an inexpensive and reliable product that will leave your kids clothes looking as good as new.

Stay healthy!

With all the running around we do during the summer, we often end up eating quick on-the-go meals. Rather than hitting a drive-thru every day, spend a few minutes each week planning out a few super-fast and healthy meals. That way, you’re not wasting precious time trying to figure out what to have for dinner or precious money (and calories) at the drive-thru window.  Make sure your kids are getting all their essential nutrients by giving them  L’il Critters™ Gummy Vites™, a complete multivitamin that any kid will love.

Keep a routine!

I admit it, during the summer I stay up later and sleep in a bit. I still make sure I have a routine, though! I turn my alarm clock on every night before I go to bed, even if it is for an hour or two later than during the school year. A routine helps me make sure that we all have a more productive day.

While you’re at it, get your kids more excited about boring tasks, like brushing their teeth, by making their tools fun! Arm & Hammer Kid’s Spinbrush and Orajel Flouride and Flouride-Free Toothpastes that tastes great and comes in popular Kids characters such as My Little Pony, Mario, Spiderman and new PAW Patrol to get them brushing all summer long because mom knows when brushing is fun, it gets done.

Get the kids to help with some chores!

Having an extra set of hands around the house during the summer can be helpful. Talk with your kids and see what type of chores they can help with – emptying the dishwasher and setting the table are easy tasks that can give you back a few minutes of your day. Having kids fold the laundry is also a great help, and you can trust what they are folding will receive a better overall clean with OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover Powder – which boosts your detergent power to get out even the toughest stains.

Leave time for spontaneous fun!

Make sure you leave a little wiggle room in your routine for some spontaneous fun! Summer is all about freedom, remember? I know, it sounds funny to say “plan to be spontaneous,” but leave a few hours in your weekly schedule open. When that time comes, ask your kids what they’d like to do. See a new family movie, head to the pool or just run around together in your backyard with water balloons. It’s refreshing to be spontaneous!

What are your biggest tips for managing summer chaos? Tell us in the comments!

This post is brought to you by Church & Dwight. All opinions are my own

16 thoughts on “5 Tips to Help You Manage Summer Chaos with Kids”

  1. Great tips! Because of the crazy high temps here in our part of Utah, we’ve been having fun with all things water! The pool, splash pads, lakes you name it! Love no schedule and already dreading the start of school!

  2. Such great tips! Our son could spend all day playing with his iPad if he wants to. So both the hubs and I are doing our best to encourage him to get outside.

  3. Great tips. I think all of these products are wonderful. I love using the Orajel ones for my girls. We usually get that kind of toothpaste too. My girls love the lil’ critters vitamins too. They’re great!

  4. Our summers are a bit of a free-for-all. Not totally but at least on the weekends. I’m a bit less rigid but I still make them go to bed at a respectable hour.

  5. These are excellent ideas. I need to send my boys outside some. I usually allow them out early in the morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. I also enjoy taking them to the splash pad some.

  6. I can imagine that summer with kiddos is more chaotic. They’re used to being in school and you’re used to having them in school.

  7. I dont have these problems yet but I’ll definitely be enforcing some of these since i think kids need to learn responsibility with some chores and have outdoor play time.

  8. Catherine Sargent

    These are great tips. I make my son leave his phone and electronics at home when we go to the pool or beach. We try to go at least once a week.

  9. I seriously need to get my daughter onto the chore thing. I have been pretty relaxed since school let out trying to let her enjoy her Summer but I feel like she needs to get back to it now.

  10. Today is our last day of school (insert happy dance here) so we haven’t even had a chance to get to the “I’m bored stage ” yet. We are leaving on vacation in 2 days so I am hoping that just being away for the next 2 weeks will help chase the chaos away.

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