Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers Prevent Morning Leaks

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.

Nighttime protection for babies is a must. Since it is the time when they go the longest without a diaper change, I need something that will hold the liquid in until baby and I wake up in the morning. I found that her regular diapers did not do the job during the night and my daughter would wake up completely soaked. I thought I was going to have to wake up the baby several times a night to change her diaper. Then I received this wonderful opportunity to try Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.

Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers

I was hesitant because aren’t diapers all the same? I went ahead and put these on my daughter last night. They look and feel just like regular diapers except I felt that the bottom was more padded, which is the extra protection for moisture. When I woke up the baby the next morning, she was not soaked! Now, her diaper was really full and the bottom was sagging down a bit, but I was happy that Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers did the job. It is exactly what we need so baby and I can get a full night’s sleep and so she doesn’t wake up uncomfortable or having her clothing soaked.

Testing Out Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers

As babies grow, they sleep for longer periods of time. This means that their diapers will stay on longer and the likelihood of a major leak or having their clothes soaked by morning increases. Nobody wants to wake up their sleeping baby, especially if they have difficulty getting back to sleep. Also, babies and children need their REM sleep just like adults do. If they don’t get their needed rest, it can affect their focus, attention, learning, immune system and can make them downright grumpy.

As you can see, Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers fit just like regular diapers and are not bulky.

The one thing I liked about Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers was the fact that they worked just like they were advertised. My daughter has sensitive skin and the fact that they are hypoallergenic and treated with vitamin E and aloe is a plus. They are available in sizes 3 to 6.I definitely think they are worth purchasing and they are not expensive at all. My daughter wears a size 4 and in my area, they sell for $13.97 for 86 diapers. I thought the Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers would be a lot more expensive.

Sitting comfy in Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers!

Night time protection for babies is an important consideration for parents as their little one grows. Ordinary diapers may not have enough absorbent capacity to handle multiple voids over long periods of time with older babies. When wet mornings become the norm, parents start looking for more protection to guard against overnight leaks.

Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers are super absorbent for overnight and long-trip protection. This is an overnight diaper at prices that everyone can afford!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.

19 thoughts on “Parent’s Choice Overnight Diapers Prevent Morning Leaks”

  1. I’ve never tried that brand before. Interesting. I hate when you have to change a baby in the middle of the night because they are soaked from neck to crotch. It wakes them up and it is a lot of work (changing them, the bed, settling them etc) A good overnight diaper is essential. I love that this focuses on sensitive skin! A big priority in our house!

  2. Both of my kids are now out of diapers, but I will keep this brand in mind for friends with babes and toddlers. I can definitely remember trying several different brands before finding one that would keep my son dry through the night. Baby and parent deserve to sleep through the night! :)

  3. When my children were younger, Parents Choice was just starting out with their diaper line. Now however, it is a go to diaper for my friend’s little girl. Love that their prices are competitive and the product actually works! Many fear using something other then Huggies and Pampers, but these beat them hands down!

  4. I don’t use Parent’s Choice much mainly because Walmart isn’t that close to me but I have used them and I do aprpeciate the good price. They are just as good as other diapers forsure.

  5. I’ve always been tempted to buy this brand but I was wondering if you would be as good as the name brands. Your review has been very helpful to me. Next time I will buy them … with two babies in diapers could save a lots of money.

  6. I love the price of hte parent’s choice diapers. I wish we could use them more. But my daughter rashes with them. She is the most difficult child with diapers. but I liked them when we could use them.

  7. I absolutely LOVE Parent’s Choice diapers. This is the brand that I used on both my kiddos after I was out of diapers given to me at my babyshower. I love that not only are they affordable, but they work like a charm. You get to save money and have a diaper that works for your little ones!

  8. I’ll definitely have to check this brand out! My son’s current overnight diapers just aren’t holding up anymore. Always open to new options!!

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