10 Activities Kids Can Do With Grandparents

10 Activities Kids Can Do With Grandparents: Grandparents love to spend time with their grandchildren, but with such a big age difference, it can be difficult to figure out what kind of activities both will enjoy

Grandparents love to spend time with their grandchildren, but with such a big age difference, it can be difficult to figure out what kind of activities both will enjoy. Check out these 10 activities kids can do with their grandparents and keep them all busy and happy.

10 Fun Activities for Kids to do with their Grandparents


While boys may not care for scrapbooking, this is one of those activities that your daughters will enjoy to do with their grandparents. While looking at old photographs, grandparents can talk to the kids about what things were like back in their day, how they grew their own food, made their own clothes, and how children kept themselves entertained without a Wii or Xbox. History lessons are a lot more fun to hear about when kids can look at pictures of what their grandparents are describing.

Board Games

Grandparents like board games, especially classics like Scrabble. I remember as a young child spending hours playing Scrabble with my great-grandmother and it was something we both enjoyed. Not only will they be spending quality time with each other, but your kids will be working on their vocabulary!

Handyman Projects
Activities kids can do with grandparents can involve home improvement! If you have sons, then grandpa can spend some time showing him how to use a wrench and other tools. Maybe they could work on a short and quick handyman project together. With how busy my life is, my kids don’t know how to use tools because it is quicker and easier for me to just pay somebody to come and fix things. But when grandpa comes to visit, he always finds a project to do and shows the kids how to use tools to do it properly.

Knitting or Crocheting
Many grandparents have the skill of knitting and crocheting. This would be a great time for them to teach your kids the basics in either of these. They can have fun making a hat or purse. Your kids will learn something creative doing these activities with their grandparents and have something to show off to their friends.

Nature Walk
If it isn’t too cold, you can send them on a nature walk. Depending how old the grandparents are and what kind of health they are in, this may just be a walk around the block or they may even be up to going on an actual hike. They can explore the outdoors and have some quality time to catch up.

My grandmother loves to do puzzles and my children are the same. They have a lot of fun sitting around the table, trying to figure out what pieces go there, and they have the most interesting conversations while doing so!

Everyone loves to watch movies and this is another one of the activities that both your children and their grandparents will like. While they may not enjoy the same type of movies, it might open their eyes to how entertainment has changed over the years. Just make sure the movie picked is age-appropriate for your kids.

As busy parents, we don’t always have time to do a lot of baking with the kids. When grandparents come to visit, this can be a good time to get them to bake recipes you enjoyed as a child.

Kids love to do crafts and even if all grandparents are not creative, they can both have fun trying to make a handmade Christmas stocking or even something elaborate like painting portraits of each other, if they are artistically inclined.

Grandparents really enjoy spoiling their grandchildren. Instead of opposing, go ahead and let them go on that shopping trip. They are not just spending money, they are actually building a bond when they go the mall. Grandparents will learn a lot about your kid’s tastes and preferences this way.

There are so many activities kids can do with their grandparents during the holidays and throughout the year. What are some ideas you have?

13 thoughts on “10 Activities Kids Can Do With Grandparents”

  1. I remember my grandmother teaching me how to knit and how to play this game where we bounced a ball on the side of the house while saying rhymes and trying to do things before we had to catch the ball. It was so fun!


    1. That does sound like a fun activity! I loved spending time with my great-grandmother – we would sit in her parlor room and play Scrabble and card games while she told me all about our family history. It was really fun for me.

    1. Thanks! I think sometimes as kids get older the bond between grandparents and grandchildren can widen if we aren’t careful. Having activities that both will enjoy can be a great way for the bond to strengthen!

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