Tips For Flying With A Newborn


Saying that flying with a newborn is a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Our best tip? Avoid it! That’s not always practical though, especially with the holidays approaching. If you can’t avoid flying with a newborn, check out our tips to make it a bit easier.

Tips For Flying with a Newborn

Food: Check with the airlines on their policies regarding formula and bagged breast milk.  If you are breast feeding, be sure to keep yourself well hydrated.  Pack extra bottles as well in your carry on, one should be enough. 

Diapering: You can’t pack enough extra diapers!  Just when you think you might have enough, you will be down to your last one and a big surprise will be waiting for you at the other end!  Also, pack enough wipes.  If you do not have one already, try to find a slim wipe holder so you won’t have to carry around an entire bulky container.  Don’t forget the diaper rash cream!  If you do not have it in your carry on, you will need it.  A changing pad is something you might not always carry but  you might want one for your trip so you know your baby is on a clean surface. 

Clothing: You and baby need an extra change of clothes (just in case).  Again, if you don’t pack it, you will need it!  As a new mom, you know you can do everything you can to avoid a spit up or accident, but you may get caught in the crossfire and might need a new shirt for the duration of your flight.  I think a change of clothing for baby goes without saying. 

Comfort items: Be sure to not forget the comfort items you have for your new tiny person.  A soft blanket, a small stuffed animal or whatever it is, pack it.  Airports and planes can get a bit chilly and you want to keep your baby warm in something comfortable.  Also helps him sleep. 

Plastic bags:  Yes, like the kind you get when you go grocery shopping.  They are perfect for storing soiled clothing until you reach your destination. 

Baby wearing gear: If you do not already have one, you might want to look into a wrap or baby carrier.  They allow you to be hands-free when traveling and on vacation.  Also, babies love to be close to their moms skin, it is soothing and that makes for a happy, traveling baby.

Traveling alone can be a task in itself, never mind trying to bring along a newborn!  Hopefully this starter list put you a little at ease and gave you a place to start.

Have you traveled with an infant before? Do you have any tips or tricks on flying with a newborn?  Post your experience below!

7 thoughts on “Tips For Flying With A Newborn”

  1. Hi, I love your tips! Traveling with a baby can be a nightmare! Good thing, you can ditch the car seats when flying with a baby!
    You can learn more at

  2. Oh it has been long time since I flew with a newborn. But wow, it is a whole different world than with just kids. Those are great tips and excellent gear to have in hand for flying with a newborn.

  3. I have 5 little ones, I could not imagine flying with them. So much work and they would get antsy, flying with babies maybe easier. A tip someone told me to is to nurse the baby because of the popping of the ears, it helps.

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