7 Things You’re Forgetting to Put on Your Target Baby Registry

This post is sponsored by P&G, but all opinions are my own.

Setting up your Target Baby Registry? I bet you're forgetting to add these things! Check them out!

Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked about all the amazing benefits of a Target Baby Registry, and discussed why you shouldn’t have more than one registry. Today, we’re digging into the really fun part: what to put on that registry!

This was probably one of my favorite parts of being pregnant! Well, except for the super cute, sweet baby that I got at the end, but you know what I mean. I tried to conceive for six long years. Setting up a registry felt like a victory dance.

Now, if you head over to your Target Baby Registry, you’ll find a massive handy dandy checklist ready for you to explore. However, if you’re anything like I was during my pregnancy, you’ll hone in on the cute baby clothes or adorable nursery decor and completely forget about all the other things you’ll need once your bundle of joy arrives. That’s why I put together this list of things you’re probably forgetting!

7 things you’re probably forgetting to put on your Target Baby Registry

MORE diapers!

Yes, more, because even though Target helps you out by adding a Super Pack of Size 1 Pampers Swaddlers to your registry right off the bat, you’re still going to need more. The average baby goes through over 300 diapers in the first month alone. That’s like 11 diapers a day! Goodness gracious!

I suggest adding at least one more size 1 Super Packs, then asking for a few boxes in larger sizes so you’re set for a while. FYI, when my son was born eight weeks early and weighing just over 3lbs, Pampers Swaddlers preemie-sized diapers were a life saver. They were the only preemie diapers that fit him right. Something to keep in mind in case your little one decides to arrive to the party early (in Jake’s case, literally, since he was at his own baby shower!).

Larger clothes

Yes, I know, it’s hard to pull your eyes away from the itty bitty newborn clothes, but guess what: your baby is going to grow SO much faster than you can even imagine. Some babies skip the newborn size entirely! Two of my aunt’s boys weighed nearly 10 pounds at birth. Add some larger clothes to your registry now so your baby is covered (both literally and figuratively) later.


Hangers are one of those super simple things that you think you’ll just pick up as you need them, but then find yourself wishing that you already had when the urge to put your baby’s clothes away strikes in the middle of the night.

Go ahead and put a few packs on your list, that way you’ll be ready whenever the nesting instinct kicks in. If you already have your nursery theme picked out, you’ll find some cute complementary colorful hangers. Otherwise, plain white is always a good choice.


Setting up your Target Baby Registry? I bet you're forgetting to add these things! Check them out!

Want to raise little readers? Start building their library- and reading to them- while they’re still in the womb! Make sure you add plenty of books to your registry, then ask your guests to pick THEIR favorite from the list. Take it a step further by giving each guest a sticky note and asking them to write down the name of the book they picked along with a little dedication message. Keep the notes in your baby book until your kids are older, then you can stick them inside the books if you want.


Health Care Essentials

No mom ever wants to think about her baby getting sick, but it still happens. I remember my son’s first cold, I was totally unprepared! Again, Target thinks ahead for you by adding Infants Tylenol to your registry right off the bat. You’ll also need a thermometer and a nasal aspirator (which I typed into search as “nose sucker” and Target totally knew what I was talking about).

Next-season essentials

If your baby is arriving in the summer, don’t just add warm-weather clothes and accessories to your list. Think ahead and add a winter coat, a few warm pairs of pajamas (in larger sizes, of course), hats, and so on. Likewise, if you have a winter baby, ask for a few summery outfits in larger sizes.

Worried that you won’t estimate your baby’s growth and end up with a ton of clothes that don’t fit? No problem! Target has an awesome return policy!

“Big Ticket” Items

When I was creating my Target baby registry, I was reluctant to add the more expensive things that I knew I’d need, like furniture, travel systems, and so on. I didn’t want anyone to think I was being presumptuous. With Target’s group gift feature, though, you don’t have to feel weird about asking for those larger items. Your family and friends can all go in together to get it for you.  Plus, if you DON’T get those big-ticket items, you can use your registry completion coupon to get them for 20% off if you’re a REDCard member, or 15% off if you’re not.

Target’s Baby Registry Checklist does a great job of helping you figure out what you’ll really need. They also offer even more guidance in the “Add Items” section of your registry manager with Baby Center Moms’ Picks as well as ideas broken down into 06 and 6-12 months.  As you go through all the ideas and suggestions, just remember to think ahead beyond the newborn stage. If you do that, you’re a lot less likely to forget anything important. Need some more inspiration? Check out my sample registry!


Have you already made a Target Baby Registry? Share some things that you added to your list that others may forget!  


28 thoughts on “7 Things You’re Forgetting to Put on Your Target Baby Registry”

  1. You are quite right, there was lots of things that I missed off my gift list, especially nappies as you just do not realise how many you goo through, plus ones sizes up, as the baby grows so quickly.

  2. Luckily I don’t have to worry about this for a veryyy long time. But I imagine the buying bigger clothes one is so important! I can never believe how quickly babies grow. I swear, they need new clothes every couple of weeks!

  3. I agree with the larger clothes. I feel like with new babies you always have to be one step ahead because they grow like crazy.

  4. Such a great list you’ve created here. I surely never thought of adding larger clothes to the list. That’s a brilliant idea.

  5. These are probably the most sorted lists for every mum! I was searching for something like this for my newly born cousin. The clothing tip is really needed!

  6. This is a really useful list that is very helpful, we sometimes forget that basic essentials such as diapers are so important to have.

  7. The Blonde Diary Channel

    What a great post! Lasrger clothes and healthcare essentials and definitely important items we don’t think about.


  8. The Blonde Diary

    What a great post! Larger clothes and healthcare essentials and definitely important items we don’t think about!

    The Blonde Diary

  9. for sure the larger clothes.. It is one of the things I share with friends that ask. Another item would be a photo session (or package) with a professional photographer. It’s a big expense, but priceless.

  10. These are great things to not forget on a baby registry!! I always get bigger size diapers when I get baby gifts, always trying to think ahead since I know most people buy Newborn sizes.

  11. Great suggestions! YES MORE DIAPERS lol and Hangers – brilliant. Also larger clothing – babies do grow fast that first year!
    All your suggestions are spot on!
    Also yes, big ticket items. Some family and friends may want to go in on one!

  12. Yes! Those hangers are the absolute best and I wish I had actually put them on my registry. I opted for colorful ones but I love how the velvet-y material prevents the clothes from slipping.

  13. These are fantastic ideas for a baby registry. Honestly, many don’t think to put diapers on a registry so this is great!

  14. Great essentials for every expecting parent to keep in mind. I love the idea of thinking ahead in terms of larger clothing sizes and bigger diapers.

  15. This is a great list of things to add to a baby registry. Diapers are a MUST! I can’t believe how many you go through in the first year alone!! I know I forgot many of these when I made my registry and really needed them!

  16. These are definitely some great ideas for a baby registry. I think putting diapers on your baby registry is super important!

  17. It’s really important that we put in things that we’re going to need for the long run. I love how these items will also save the expecting couple a lot of money, especially with the diapers and the larger clothes.

  18. Great ideas! A nasal aspirator is key! I never thought to put infant Tylenol on there, but that is always a necessity. We also got a lot of use out of a tub of Vaseline and infant nose spray. Whenever our son had a stuffy nose it did wonders.

  19. Hangers are a good one. I put 2 or 3 packs on mine back in the day, but needed like 10 more packs because we had so many clothes.

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