That Moment When You Realize He’s the One for Your Kids Too #LittleWonders

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Life changes when you become a dad.  But what about when you choose to be a dad?

This Father’s Day is a special one.  My son, who turned a year this past February, has never known his father.  His entire first year of his life has been spent around mostly his older sister (who he adores), his grandma (who I think he thinks is a second mom) and me.  That is until I allowed a wonderful man into our little family.

I was a little cautious at first, once both my kids started to really like him and want him around all the time.  Those are my babies, and I didn’t want them to be disappointed or hurt in anyway.  All my fears went away when I saw how he and my son interacted.  That little boy, who was still a little rocky on his feet, went right to him whenever he was around, he allowed himself to be picked up and hugged and played with.  

The moment I knew he was the one for my kids too

There is one moment that really sticks out in my mind as the moment I knew this man really loved my kids, but more than that, was ready to be a dad to them as well.  

I have never had to leave my son with anyone, not daycare, not a sitter, so he has always been around me.  At an event we were at, my son pointed at the golf cart and this man said, “Let me have him, I will take him for a ride.”  I was reluctant, I figured my little boy would cry the second he was no longer in my arms, or within sight of me, which had been his MO for so long.  He knew better, and took him on for a ride, and when they returned, I saw them walk across the grass and sit down together, my son reaching for his hand.  


At this moment, not only did my heart melt in my chest, and tears start to well up in my eyes, but I knew this man was what we were missing in our lives and we were what he was missing in his.  I thought I could be everything to my son, even though his father was not in his life.  I was prepared to do that, as best I could.  What I didn’t realize was that at such a young age, my son taught me that he also needed a father figure in his life.


He is looking forward to all the #LittleWonders you experience with having a toddler in your life, with having a boy!  It says a lot about a man who chooses to be a part of a family, and essentially start over with a toddler, when he already has children of his own, who can walk and talk and do things for themselves.

Johnsons Little Wonders Personalized

For all the #LittleWonders in your baby’s life, JOHNSON’S® is there! Personalize a picture of your #LittleWonders and share it with the world! Check out all the great products in the JOHNSON’S® Baby Care Product Line! Follow them on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to keep up with the news.

What #LittleWonders are you and your significant other looking forward to watching your little one grow?  How has becoming a dad changed your significant other?  Share with us in the comment section below!        

28 thoughts on “That Moment When You Realize He’s the One for Your Kids Too #LittleWonders”

  1. I Know so many Fathers who are not blood related to their child. If you are there for the child, that is all that matters

  2. such a sweet post. i am so lucky with my husband too. whenever i go to events or go for girls night out, my husband will tell me to not worry and just enjoy coz he will look after our daughter.

  3. Melissa Bernardo

    This is amazing! Isn’t it great when you know that you’ve found the right guy to have kids with?

  4. What a wonderful post. That’s great that he has came in your life and the kids love him. I think this is so great that guys out there will take over and be a good father to your kids. My friends fiance is doing a wonderful job of being a father for her daughter too.

  5. I love your story! I wished I could say the same but I have been divorced too long to remember how those moments are. However, my dad does a lot with my son and has the male bonding moments with him! So I am grateful! :)

  6. This is such a sweet post! I’m so happy that not only were you able to find a wonderful man that loves you but also your children too! That, in itself, is priceless. <3

  7. Thanks for sharing such a sweet post about your son and the wonderful man you found. It is so nice to see someone who cares so much for their child finding someone else to share in that feeling too.

  8. I think it’s wonderful that your little one has a role model to look up to. The fact that he chose to be a part of all of your sons little wonders is incredible. He is a hero in my book.

  9. Thank you for sharing your story.

    I can’t imagine being a single parent and then introduce your babies to a new person. It takes a special person to love children who are not biologically theirs. My family and I are one unit. I have the family I’ve wanted for a long time. I am married to my child’s father. We do not have any other children outside of our family. However, if we were face with another child entering our lives, I would hope I could embrace it.

  10. Robin Masshole Mommy

    I knew my husband would make a great step dad almost immediately – that’s the main reason I kept him around ;)

  11. How wonderful for all of you. The little one will bring him as many blessings as he will the baby, I’m sure. :)

  12. Wow, such a nice story, Your baby seems to like him so much, they look good together! Happy father’s day to him.

  13. That’s a really lovely story. You’ll know when you see this person with your kids, and you watch how they interact with each other. It’s even better when the kids talk about him out of the blue and all you hear are kind and good words.

  14. There are too many little moments to mention. We are currently at the potty training moments now, and soon it will be big brother and baby moments. Then more and more as the years grow on. Thank you for sharing it beautiful story. You and your little guy are blessed <3

  15. Love this. My husband isn’t my oldest father, I had him as teen and his birth father has never had any part of his life. It’s amazing when you realize the man in your life, of your dreams is the one for your child, and who he can have as a father for your child. Nothing compares.

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