Celebrating the Little Wonders in Your Baby’s Life with #Johnsons #littlewonders

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Being a mom, there are so many milestones we watch our children meet, from sitting up to walking and running.  But what about those small moments, those #littlewonders?  You know what I am talking about, watching your child try something new for the first time, watching how he picks up his food and examines it before putting it in his mouth.  The time when you realize you no longer have to cut up the soft foods for your child?  There are so many #littlewonders that happen outside of the bigger milestones, here are some of my faves from being a mom the second time around.

The Little Wonders that Make Motherhood Special

I love watching my son eat.  Is that weird?  I remember when he first started to eat solids.  I gave him small pieces of soft fruit and just watched him while he ate.  It’s not just watching him, but listening to him too.

Hearing older people eat doesn’t really appeal to me, and I know it will be when he gets a little older too (I don’t enjoy watching my 6-year-old eat as much) but for now, watching his little facial expression and how he picks up his food and how he moves it around his mouth is just mesmerizing to me.

My daughter is almost 7; my children are only 5 years apart, yet I feel like I am experiencing things like this all over again for the first time.  I am sure I enjoyed watching my daughter eat and experiencing new foods, but I think this time around I am well aware of exactly how fast they grow!


I think the second time around you start to appreciate a little more those #littlewonders that your child has.  Like the day my son went from eating cut up pieces of banana to holding half of it himself.  I am pretty sure I shed a little tear knowing that he no longer will be eating his banana in small bite sized pieces.  Then I started noticing other foods he no longer needs cut up into bite size baby pieces, like his grilled cheese (I cut them into strips).

Each child seems to have their little preferences too when it comes to food and how they eat, have you noticed this?  My son loves veggie sticks (yes, again, no more baby food snacks, another tear shed).  I give him one, he looks at it, then looks at me and waits for one for his other hand.  He will hang on to it until he is done with the first one and then eat the second one.  I love these little quirks!  Maybe they aren’t quirks, perhaps every child does this and I am just biased.


What about the day he drank from a straw?  That was a big one for me!  If you have older children or younger ones who might be going through these #littlewonders at the same time, you know what I mean.  The transition from a sippy cup to being able to drink from a straw is a big one in the toddler world!  And as a mom.  Ever tried to explain to a toddler how to suck on a straw?  I never could find the right way to explain it; they just had to figure it out.  But when they finally did it was such a sweet moment to witness!  Another one of those #littlewonders.

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These #littlewonders may seem insignificant to some, but watching your child do something new and experience something he hasn’t yet, is truly what makes it all worth it.  We want to hear about your #littlewonders, share with us in the comment section below!

18 thoughts on “Celebrating the Little Wonders in Your Baby’s Life with #Johnsons #littlewonders”

  1. This post brings back memories for me! My little one will be six this year (he’s my only at the moment), but I can remember just loving his little expressions! The first time we were going to feed him solid food, he just kind of made this cute questioning face and tilted his head to the side like “What IS this?!”

  2. I think every moment in your baby is an amazing moment to cherish & every milestone they reach is a dream that you would want to hold for long. Your pictures are so cute almost reminding me of all the memories I hold with my babies.

  3. Christina Aliperti

    I used to watch my son sleep and it was mesmerizing. There are so many little moments that meant so much. He is my only child so I have tried to memorize each and every one.

  4. Oh, your photos are absolutely adorable! Each milestone is worth celebrating. Each day is worth celebrating too! I love being a mom, it’s the absolute best job on the planet!

  5. No matter how many children one has, they are all so very different and develop so uniquely. It is important to take time to appreciate all the new and wonderful things they do.

  6. I loved watching all three of my children learn how to eat also, so you are not alone with that. Them exploring and trying new things was always an amazing thing to see. Will they like it? Will they not? Motherhood is definitely a ride!

  7. Jennifer Williams

    I think those little moments are even harder when you know it is your last baby. I am fortunate to be able to stay home and homeschool my son so I see lots of little moments. He is my last so I am trying to enjoy each and every one of them.

  8. The little moments and milestones are so fun! Be sure to write them down even though you think you will never forget – it’s hard to remember all the details.

  9. Kids grow so fast. My youngest will be 3 in September – a month after the new baby arrives. I can hardly believe it. Its seriously something I never imagined watching them grow.

  10. I seriously can’t believe that my own baby girl just turned one! Where does the time go? Love watching my children grown and develop!

  11. Right now my son struggle sometimes with school so when he comes home with something that was hard for him and he did the best job he can do I love it. I just love seeing that spark it is I am with the understanding of what he learned how to apply it.

  12. I have nieces and nephews and even I can’t understand where the time went- I always felt sad when I’d talk to my sister and hear how much the kids had grown- so many milestones!

  13. I remember the first time my eldest tried solid food. It was a zwiebach cracker soaked in applesauce. The way she attacked the spoon you would think she was dying of starvation!

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