5 Things Every New Mom Needs for Her Nursery

This post is brought to you by Dreft. All opinions are our own.

 Setting up baby’s nursery is one of the most exciting parts of becoming a new mom! Check out 5 things you'll want to make it the best room for both of you!

Setting up your baby’s nursery is one of the most exciting parts of becoming a new mom!  All those colors, patterns and furniture to choose from, not to mention cute baby things. It is easy to get overwhelmed, though.  No worries, we’re here to simplify it for you! What do you really need when it comes to your baby’s nursery?  Here are my 5 most practical nursery needs.

5 Things You Really Need for Your Nursery


Setting up baby’s nursery is one of the most exciting parts of becoming a new mom! Check out 5 things you'll want to make it the best room for both of you!

Music: I always play music for my baby boy.  I stream classical tunes through one of our smartphones or tablets.  I have done this since he was born. It helps him to fall asleep (at least I think it does, I am not about to test that by turning it off!).

Detergent: You are going to go through a few outfit changes during the day which will make your laundry pile grow a little higher (even though the clothes are super small!).  I loved using Dreft Stage 1: Newborn Liquid Detergent for my son’s clothes.  It is the #1 choice of pediatricians, which is not a surprise, as it has been trusted by moms for more than 80 years!  Dreft is formulated to be safe enough for your baby’s new skin as it is hypoallergenic.  I also like to toss in Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Boosters as well for a boost of in-wash fragrance to keep his clothes smelling like that sweet new baby scent.

Nightlight: A soft nightlight will help for those middle-of-the-night feedings and changes.  Both of you will be thankful you have a soft glow in the room, so you aren’t blinded by the harshness of a lamp or overhead lighting!  It will help to lull your baby (and you) back to sleep when his tummy is full, and his bum is clean.

Glider: I was so happy to have this in my nursery with my daughter!  Those late night feedings when you are awoken out of a dead sleep (who am I kidding, new moms don’t sleep soundly!)  Picture this, it is the middle of the night, the house is quiet, and it is just you and your baby in the nursery.  Sitting in the glider, feet propped up on the ottoman (because you need that too), the soft glow of the night light casting on your sweet baby’s tiny face and soft music playing, you both fall back to sleep.  Picture perfect moment right there.

Soft blanket: While pediatricians don’t recommend putting a blanket in a crib with your baby, you’ll want a soft blanket for those late night feedings!   However, you want to be sure you have one big enough for the both of you, not just a baby blanket.  For those midnight feedings, I keep mentioning (because they are going to happen), snuggle you and your baby up in a soft blanket while in the glider.

Keep the nursery simple and minimal, best for sleeping and spending some quality, quiet time with your baby.  You will have plenty of time to load it up with noisy toys once your sweet baby starts to crawl!

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Did you already set up a nursery? What are your must-haves that other new moms should include? Tell us in the comments!

21 thoughts on “5 Things Every New Mom Needs for Her Nursery”

  1. The #1 thing I always tell new moms to put in their nursery is a comfortable glider, as high-quality as they can afford. Mine seriously is one of the best investments I’ve ever made!

  2. We are expecting our first grandchild in April. I will be needing some of these things for when she comes to visit Grandma and Papaw. (Which had better be all of the time! LOL) Thanks for visiting the bayou today.

  3. I wish I could of had a glider chair when I was pregnant with my kids, I am glad they have one now for the new moms though. They look very nice and comfy, I would so fall asleep.

  4. The hours I spent searching for the perfect bedding to go with my Secret Garden theme… It is now discontinued so I plan to NEVER change my daughter’s room. Lol. I had an old rocking chair and dresser to go with the vintage look, but I always loved the way gliders felt.

  5. A glider chair is amazing for babies that have trouble sleeping. I still have the glider i used for my Daughter seventeen years ago.

  6. Thank you for sharing with us!! One of my closed friend is having her first child very soon, I will share these tips with her :) I do agreed the importance of keeping the nursery simple and minimal as spending the quality time with the baby is the key. Having a soft blanket is a great idea :)


  7. Robin Rue (@massholemommy)

    I loved siting in the rocking chair with my boys when they were babies in the middle of the night. At the time I didn’t love it as much, but now I miss it.

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