5 Things You Only Thought You Knew About Eggs & #EggMyths Twitter Party

Think you know all about eggs? Think again! We’re breaking a few egg myths & sharing an easy yet oh-so delicious egg recipe from Burnbrae Farms! Check it out!
I bet you think you know a lot about eggs. After all, they’re one of the most commonly used ingredients in recipes and at the breakfast table! Guess what? I bet I can surprise you with a few things you only THOUGHT you knew about eggs! See, the egg is a mysterious thing, shrouded in generations of myths and misconceptions. It makes sense, after all, we still can’t figure out whether it arrived before or after the chicken!

Today we’re going to have a little fun dispelling some common egg myths, then we’ll check out a delicious egg recipe from Burnbrae Farms! After all, no one knows eggs quite like they do, something I got to experience up close and personal during my Burnbrae Farms tour last year!

Egg Mythconceptions: Separating Facts & Fiction

Did you get that separating pun there? I sure hope so, I was pretty proud of that one! Let’s check out a few of the popular myths about eggs and find out which are true and which are…sorry, I’m all out of egg puns, so which are just plain false!


The Double Yolk Egg Myth

If you’ve ever cracked open an egg and found two yolks, you know it’s not a myth that it can happen. Burnbrae Farms says that while rare, double yolk eggs are safe to eat. I’ve always heard that they’re good luck! Maybe that part is a myth, but hey, it’s still pretty cool to find one! If you want to really increase your luck, you can actually buy Super Bon-EE Doubles from Burnbrae, although distribution is limited.

Myth: Farmers Feed their Hens Antibiotics

While I can’t speak for every egg manufacturer out there, at Burnbrae Farms, antibiotics are the exception, not the norm. They only use them when their hens actually get sick, and only when  prescribed by a veterinarian at approved doses.

Burnbrae Farms has rigorous health protocols in place to prevent sickness in the first place. Only the farmers, veterinarians and other authorized personnel can access the barns, and they must wear clean clothes and footwear before coming in contact with the hens.

Myth: You can’t eat eggs past the printed expiration date

I need to show this part to my mom, because she tosses eggs the minute that date comes up on the calendar! Turns out, you CAN eat eggs past the printed expiration date. In fact, that’s not an expiration date at all, it’s a CODE DATE. According to Burnbrae Farms, you can safely eat your eggs up to three weeks past that date as long as you’ve kept them stored in the refrigerator (at 0 to 8C). That’ IN the fridge, though, not on the door.

Still worried?  To test freshness of an egg, float it in water. An older egg will float. Also, it’s important to note that sometimes fresh eggs function better than older eggs, especially in baking and in meringues. Older eggs are easier to peel when hard-boiled. When we’re making eggs for Easter, we always get them a week ahead of time.  To be safe, always use proper handling and cook eggs to proper temperatures, with these tips from the Egg Safety Center.

Myth: Brown eggs are better for you than white eggs

So here’s one that always confused me: are brown eggs better for you? I always thought that maybe the brown eggs were from, I don’t know, more natural chickens? And the white eggs were from hens with bleach jobs? No, I’m kidding! Seriously, I thought there had to be a major difference though, Turns out, both brown and white eggs have the same nutritional value. Every large egg (53g) has the same approximate 6 grams of protein as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, whether it’s brown or white.

They both pretty much taste the same too. In fact, the only major difference between the two is the breed of hen that they come from. So why are brown eggs more expensive? According to Burnbrae, the hens that lay those eggs are bigger, which means they eat more! Sounds like the hen equivalent of teenagers!

Myth: An egg a day is bad for you

The very best news of all- at least for an egg lover like me- is that an egg a day is a-okay! For a long time, the poor egg was sent to the corner in a time out, touted as full of cholesterol and unhealthy. My heart broke to see him sitting there on the outskirts, crying out “but I’m a complete protein source! I have just the right balance of the essential amino acids your body needs! I’m low in saturated fat, carbs and sodium! I only have 70 calories! 70 calories!!!”

Well, my friend, come out of that corner!  Eating an egg a day will not increase the risk for heart disease, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. The United States just released their new Dietary Guidelines for Americans on January 7, 2016 that states dietary cholesterol is no longer a concern, catching up with something that Health Canada has been saying for years. Eggs are now included in all three healthy eating patterns in the 2016 Guidelines. So go ahead, eat that egg a day!

Breakfast in a Jiffy: An Easy & Delicious Egg Recipe

Breakfast in a Jiffy: An Easy & Delicious Egg Recipe from Burnbrae Farms

Just how should you enjoy that egg a day? I am so happy you asked! Burnbrae Farms Recipe Nest has loads of delicious recipes both containing eggs and featuring them in starring roles. I got a little lost in my own world of recipe planning checking it out, but one really caught my attention. The Breakfast in a Jiffy egg recipe is so simple that you can make it, well, in a jiffy! It’s perfect for those busy mornings!


  • 2 Naturegg™ Omega Plus™ Shell Eggs (or Naturegg™ Simply Eggs™) 100 mL
  • 2 tbsp milk  30 mL
  • 2 tbsp shredded Cheddar cheese*  30 mL
  • ½ tsp chopped parsley (optional) 2 mL
  • Pinch dried basil or Italian seasoning* Pinch
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Beat together eggs, milk and seasonings in a microwaveable mug. Cover loosely with plastic wrap, turning it back slightly to vent.
  2. Microwave on Medium-High (70%) 1 to 1-1/2 minutes. Remove plastic and stir. Sprinkle with cheese and parsley; cover and let stand 1 minute.

#EggMyths Twitter Party


Want to learn more about egg myths and health benefits of this compact powerhouse of a food? Join in on the #EggMyths Twitter Party on February 9th at 9pm EST! Make sure you follow your hosts @BurnbraeFarms & SJSConsulting_CA, then tweet along with the #EggsMyth hashtag for a chance to win great prizes (Canada only, void in Quebec), including:

  • Grand Prizes 1 & 2: 1 of 2 – 16 GB iPad Mini’s + $125 Burnbrae Farms gift Basket (ARV: $450/prize pack – total for both $900)
  • Second Place Prize: $250 spa gift card – pamper yourself with a day at the spa + $125 Burnbrae Farms gift basket (ARV: $375)
  • Additional Prizes: 7 additional Burnbrae Farms gift baskets including $50 Visa gift card for groceries (ARV: $125/gift basket – total for all 7 prize packs $875)

Grand total value of all prizes = $2150.

RSVP Below. Official rules and regulations for the Twitter Party can be seen HERE.

In the meantime, head over to Burnbrae Farms to learn more about everything they do to bring you the tastiest and healthiest egg possible! Check out Burnbrae on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to keep up with news. Need a little egg-inspiration? Check them out on Pinterest and YouTube!

What surprised you the most about these egg myths and facts? How do you most enjoy your egg a day? Tell me below in the comments!

I am participating in the Burnbrae Farms campaign managed by SJ Consulting. I received compensation in exchange for my participation in this campaign. The opinions on this blog are my own.

27 thoughts on “5 Things You Only Thought You Knew About Eggs & #EggMyths Twitter Party”

  1. christina aliperti

    Great to know that eggs are good after the date on the package. My mom always throws them away also. I am going to show her this post!

  2. This breakfast in a jiffy recipe looks delicious and easy to make. I will have to give it a try in the morning. I did not know the date on the carton was not a expiry date.

  3. I actually knew about most of these myths. We have chickens and keep the eggs to eat. We love them!! We check our eggs all the time by floating them in water. :)

  4. I didn’t know about the expiry date one. I usually don’t use them if past the date, but I TRY to use them up before that date comes! These are great!

  5. We love eggs in this house. Thank you for clearing up these myths. It’s good to now that eggs are no longer “bad” for you.

  6. Isn’t it crazy in the information age we still fall for the old myths about something as simple as eggs?

    It’s been years since I’ve had a double-yolked egg, though. I thought they were a thing of the past or something.

  7. Great tips on eggs. I actually knew a good portion of them and I love eating eggs. I’ve never actually thought about an expiration at an egg because they seem to last forever.

  8. I love eggs so much and make my son and I scrambled eggs and toast almost daily. They are such a protein-rich food that is pretty cheap.

  9. Thanks for clearing up these myths about eggs. I didn’t know about the date on the carton. That is good to know. I’ve been throwing eggs out for no reason.

  10. What great information. I see a double yolk as good luck because it is two yolks… in itself. LOL… Thanks so much for all of these, I had no idea

  11. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    LOL, I always throw my eggs away once they hit the expiration date, too! my mom always told me they went bad.

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