How To Teach Kids About Money When You’re Not a Financial Wiz Yourself #moneygenius

This post is sponsored by  Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even when you’re not). All opinions are our own.

Want to teach kids about money, but not exactly a wiz yourself? Check out the parenting book, Make Your Kids a Money Genius (even when you're not)!

How do you teach your kids about money management when you’re not exactly a financial wizard yourself? That’s a question I think a lot of us ask ourselves. As parents, we all want one thing for our kids: to do better than we did.  I know I made a lot of money mistakes over the years and learned some very hard lessons when it comes to budgeting. I don’t want my son to go to through the same financial troubles that I’ve faced most of my life. Troubles that, had I made smarter choices early on, I probably wouldn’t be facing. Since I’m far from an expert on money matters, I turn to those who are to help me give my son the best foundation possible. That includes experts like Beth Kobliner, author of Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even when you’re not)

Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even when you’re not)

Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even when you’re not) is such a fantastic resource for parents who want to teach their kids about managing money starting as early as age three all the way through age 23. The book comes out on February 7th, but I got to take a peek at an advance copy and so far, I’m loving it. Best-selling author Beth Kobliner is a financial expert and a journalist, but the book is so straight-forward and easy to read that you don’t have to be either to understand it.

In the step-by-step guide, you’ll find plenty of “teachable moments” that help you encourage character traits that are so important to becoming financially independent. Traits like a strong work ethic, an ability to show self-control and carefully consider all of our choices, and how to work towards both immediate and distant goals. Each section is based on the latest research in psychology and child development, giving you age-appropriate tips throughout every stage of your child’s life. The format of the book makes it super easy to jump to whatever section you need when you need it most.

The book is full of surprises, too! You might just find out that some of the fantastic money habits you’ve been working on developing with your kids are actually not so great after all. I think we all know that giving in to our kids every time they beg for a candy bar at the checkout line isn’t the best idea, but did you know that it could make your child more likely to misuse credit cards as adults? Another shocking discovery: allowances or paying your kids for doing chores may not actually be the best way to teach kids about money. Even more shocking: giving your kid a wad of cash actually can be a great move!

Other surprises throughout the book include things like the problems with bribing your kids for good grades, the right way to let your adult kid move back home and when to start talking to your kids about paying for college. Throughout every chapter, you’ll find jargon-free, straightforward information that you can put into action right away. At just around 220 pages (plus a handy index at the end), it’s an easy read, even for the busiest of parents.

Want to teach kids about money, but not exactly a wiz yourself? Check out the parenting book, Make Your Kids a Money Genius (even when you're not)!

Make Your Kid a Money Genius (even when you’re not) is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble . 

Have you started teaching your kids about money yet? What are some of your favorite tips for other parents? Share in the comments!

24 thoughts on “How To Teach Kids About Money When You’re Not a Financial Wiz Yourself #moneygenius”

  1. I read part of this book (Audible so I guess I heard part of it) and I really love the tips about not over sharing your debt with your kids. Also avoiding telling them you are broke when they as for things.

  2. We always tell our son about the importance of money, but I will still get me a copy of this. I think I’m going to learn a lot from this book too.

  3. And if you aren’t, this is a good place to start. I knew most of these things as a young adult, just wish I’d have followed through with them.

  4. This book is really making its rounds. I have heard so many great reviews it is important to teach kids financial responsiblity as young as possible!

  5. I really should get this for my son! I think he would enjoy it and I really am not all that savvy with money, so he would probably benefit from it

  6. This is a really good book! Not only this book provides useful advice that can be taught to children, but many adults can benefit from it, too! – HilLesha

  7. I really enjoyed reading this book. It made talking money with the kids not so scary, and I was surprised at so many things we were doing right.

  8. Money is tough. It can be so stressful when you’re dealing with finances, so teaching kids early sounds like a great idea.

  9. That sounds like a great tool for teaching kids. I know I was no math wiz, but my daughter seems to have caught onto it fairly well. I guess I did something right, but I have no clue what it was.

  10. Finances and budgeting are such vital life skills and it is important that we start teaching children at an early age. My oldest is in middle school and actually takes a personal finance course as an elective.

  11. Rochkirstin Santos

    Teaching them the basics will provide great value in their life. We don’t need to be an accountant or professional financial consultants to share them the foundation of good habits.

  12. Reesa Lewandowski

    I am eager to get this book for my kids. It’s scary how easily our children can make bad financial choices that can impact their whole lives!

  13. I have two kids in College that need to learn about finances. I will have to pick up a copy of Make Your Kid a Money Genius.

  14. Marijean Lechtrecker

    Great tips! My parents always wanted me to save and end up doing better than they did. I feel the same for my children!

  15. I almost teared up when you pointed out that parents only want their kids to do better than they did. Growing up, my parents were very poor but worked very hard. They were thorough on the money management aspect and would always tell us they wanted us to have it better than they did. Their strictness was overwhelming at times but now as an adult, I am very grateful for it because I AM doing much better than they did and am a successful business owner all because they had the focus of giving us a great life.

  16. I love these tips. I am definitely not a money wiz, and I hope my daughter makes better financial choices than I did.

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