5 May Long Weekend Hiking Trip Hacks & Essentials


Who’s excited for the May long weekend? I know I am! It’s not just a great way to take a break and plan some fun outdoor family activities with my kids, it also means summer is coming! After all, Victoria Day is the unofficial start of summer!

If you usually spend May long weekend doing tedious household tasks, like spring cleaning or prepping your garden, why not switch things up this year? Have your kids turn off the T.V., shut off your computer and head outside to enjoy your natural surroundings.

May Long Weekend “Back to Nature” Hacks & Essentials

Getting back to nature after a long winter hibernating comes with its own challenges. Check out a few tips from our friends at Church & Dwight to help ensure that your outdoor adventure stays fun!

Choose a family-friendly trail

Readers Digest has put together an amazing list of the best hiking in Canada. While many of these trails are geared more towards adults, Canada has no shortage of beautiful family-friendly hiking spots. The Gold Creek Falls trail in Vancouver, B.C. or Webster Falls trail in Hamilton, Ont., are both great examples of outdoor trails that you can tackle with your kids.

Arrive in comfort!

First things first: the journey to your destination! Nothing ruins a hiking trip faster than arriving all nauseous and miserable from the ride. As someone who gets car sick, I can definitely attest to that! If you are not comfortable with the winding car rides that often occur when escaping the city, I suggest throwing some Gravol™ in your bag. Gravol™ Ginger Liquid Gels are easy to swallow, non-drowsy and will help prevent any motion sickness on long car rides.

Pack like a pro hiker

Be sure to pack a lot of snacks, bottles of water and sunscreen to keep everyone happy and energized throughout the day, especially if you take our advice and go on a hike. Every hiker should have their own backpack. Even the littlest ones can carry a small backpack, just keep it light.

Every hiker should have a bottle of water in their backpack, just in case you get separated. Another smart idea: put a trail map (grab them online or at the park’s visitor center) in every backpack.

Soothe aches and pains

Don’t be put off by the aches and pains that may accompany you after your hike. It is only natural to be a bit sore after hibernating all winter.  Try Rub A535™ Extra Strength to ease those aches and pains.

Dress for the activity

Remember, you’ll be spending a lot of time moving, so even if it feels just a smidge cool still, you might want to consider wearing shorts. You can always stash a pair of lightweight sweats in your backpack to pull over them if you get chilly. I can’t tell you how many times I thought I’d be too cold in shorts, then ended up miserable because all the activity made me hot.

Of course, if you’re wearing shorts, you want to get those legs ready, right?  Try using Nair™ Wax READY-STRIPS before you put on that first pair of shorts. These ready to use strips are simple and convenient, just place and peel! Most importantly they will leave your legs looking smooth and summer ready!

Getting outdoors and breathing in the fresh air is a much more fun to spend your May long weekend than cleaning, don’t you think?

What are you and your family planning on doing for the May long weekend?

This post is brought to you by Church & Dwight! All opinions are mine.

18 thoughts on “5 May Long Weekend Hiking Trip Hacks & Essentials”

  1. I hadn’t thought what I’ll be doing actually, but I like the idea of taking a nice hike. There’s a beautiful place to do that around here.

  2. Great list. We have two camping trips coming up this summer and I am looking forward to the hikes. I may need to get some Rub A535 before our trips. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your tips are so right on the money! Our family loves to hike and go camping. Lately we created a first aid kit, one that is compact for our hikes, and a bigger one to leave in our tents. So helpful for those emergencies!

  4. Hiking is such a great way to connect with nature, especially if you live in a colder climate and are finally able to get outside again after a frigid winter. These are some really great tips for when you’ll be out in nature for a while. We are always sure to pack a mild painkiller for any aches, pains, or headaches that may arise, but Rub A535 is also a great addition.

  5. Neely Moldovan

    We are going to the lake in a few weeks and I hope we get to do some hiking! I love being outdoors!

  6. We will be celebrating at home this year. We usually throw a few bigger parties over the summer so this weekend is going to be low key just hanging out.

  7. This is such a great post, hiking trips are a lot of fun. Sadly I have 2 of 3 kids who love hiking. Working on getting my middle more into hiking.

  8. I will more then likely go shopping with my Mom–her favorite activity——My hiking days are in the past although there are a lot of great trails in NY as well. I walked many of them in the past when I had dogs.

  9. Weekend hikes are awesome, especially when you’re with family. It’s good to be ready though, even when you’re not going out for too long. I normally bring an emergency kit with me when I go on hikes, you’ll never know what will happen after all.

  10. I would like to try that Rub A535 Extra Strength right now! I guess I have built resistance to my current brand. The hiking tips you have listed here are all very useful. I would love to do some hiking soon with the hubby and kids!

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