Freezing THESE Foods Could Result in DISASTER!


Did you know that there are certain foods you should never freeze? Food handling can be a touchy subject and one that we may think we know a lot about.  Often times information we know has been passed down from our mothers and grandmothers, and let’s face it, they may not have always been right!  You might be putting things in your freezer that are actually harming your food.  Here are a few foods you should never freeze, unless you like living on the edge and tempting fate!

Foods you should never freeze


Salad greens: Unless your goal is to have some wilted and limp greens once thawed, then keep your salad out of the freezer.  The leafy greens will lose flavor as well.  It’s just all around a bad idea.  The fridge is best.


Milk: An ice cold glass of milk can taste so good! If this sounds good to you, try putting an empty glass in the freezer, but avoid putting the milk itself in the freezer.  The end result is lumpy milk.  You can however, freeze milk if you are just going to be cooking with it.  Just be sure to thaw it in the fridge!


Eggs: If they are still in their shell, do not put them in the freezer.  Think of putting a can of soda in the freezer, the liquid expands and makes it way out of the can.  The same thing will happen to the egg.  You can try fry freezing scrambled eggs and thawing, but they really don’t take that long to make, just make them fresh.


Yogurt: And not the frozen kind!  The yogurt will separate and the texture won’t be what you expected.  You can stir it back together once thawed but eating it straight is not recommended.  Cooking with it is an option!  Or, just don’t freeze it. Oddly, this is one of the most common foods you should never freeze that I see turn up in the freezer!


Potatoes: The water content in potatoes is high.  We all know what happens to water when it freezes and then thaws.  You will be left with mushy potatoes once thawed and they just won’t taste the same.  You can always cook them first and then freeze, they will still thaw a little different than you might expect or want them to, but you could still eat them.


Cheese: Cheese just doesn’t do well  in the freezer.  Take advantage of its long fridge life.  When you freeze soft cheeses they lose their light, fluffy texture when thawed.  Hard cheeses when thawed will become crumbly and just not the same.

Did this list contain anything that you have been freezing?  Stop wasting your food and hard earned money!  Stop what you are doing (well, wait til you finish this article, you are almost done) and go empty your freezer if you have these stored in there.

Have you come across any other items that people might be incorrectly storing in the freezer?  Post them below!

9 thoughts on “Freezing THESE Foods Could Result in DISASTER!”

  1. I have frozen milk and never had any issues with it going lumpy. I also freeze hard cheese all the time, I just shred it first and then use it for casseroles, pasta dishes, garlic bread etc.

  2. Interesting on the milk. They freeze milk in Canada and pour it from a bag into a pitcher when they unthaw. Never noticed a difference in our cheese when it’s frozen.

  3. My kids love having frozen yogurt. We put a plastic spoon or popsicle stick inside the yogurt cup and make a popsicle. They don’t seem to mind the texture thing.

  4. Interesting… I’ve never thought of this. We freeze egg whites in the carton but I never thought about eggs. Glad I didn’t because, eww, that would have been a mess! The one that surprises me is cheese. We freeze cheese all the time. Oops.

  5. Strange, we freeze cheese often- I wonder if it’s more specific to certain varieties. I also didn’t know about yogurt, but that makes sense with active and live cultures.

  6. I actually freeze a few of those especially in summer. I use them in shakes though so having frozen salad greens to blend into your shake to give it nutrients while making it nice and cold is not bad. I freeze yogurt into little cubes for the same purpose.

  7. Great list! I have to say that I have sometimes made MASHED potatoes and frozen them with decent results. Sure fresh is way better, but sometimes I like to have a little mashed handy to avoid the mess! :) (it works best if they’re made with lots of butter and milk blended in I think that helps them keep a better texture).

    I would be curious to see WHAT happens to the egg-in-shell. lol :)

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