Healthy Pregnancy: Must-Have Items for Mom to Be on a Budget

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Healthy Pregnancy: Must-Have Items for Mom to Be on a Budget

From the moment you first discover those two little lines on the pregnancy test until the minute your baby takes her first breath, you want to do everything possible to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy. Growing a new life is a huge responsibility! A healthy pregnancy should include the items you need to give your baby the best nutrients as well as those that provide you with comfort. If you’re uncomfortable, it can be difficult to focus on anything else! We’ve rounded up the best items for moms-to-be that achieve both goals. Check them out!

Must-Have Items for a Healthy Pregnancy

Preggie pops are great for helping quell morning sickness!

Morning Sickness Relief: The American Pregnancy Association estimates that more than half of all women suffer from morning sickness. Some sources put that estimate closer to 75 percent! The odds are pretty good that you are going to have to deal with at least a bit of nausea, particularly during your first trimester. While this is part of a healthy pregnancy, it can make it difficult to keep down food. Here’s a strange tip: sour candy does wonders for morning sickness! Our personal favorite remedy for morning sickness are Preggie Pops candies, make by Three Lollies. At less than $5 for a tin of 21 pieces, they’re reasonably priced and work very well.

Nature Made Prenatal Vitamins are great for providing valuable nutrients at a lower price.

Prenatal Vitamins: While it is important not to start any vitamin regimen without first discussing it with your doctor, many obstetricians recommend taking a prenatal vitamin as part of a healthy pregnancy. There are so many different brands out there, but unless your doctor recommends a particular brand, we love Nature Made Prenatal Vitamins. They contain all the necessary nutrients-including the extremely important folic acid-and don’t cost a small fortune. In fact, you can get a bottle of 250 vitamins for under $15 on Amazon. Since you only have to take one a day, a single bottle can last throughout almost your entire pregnancy.

A belly band helps support your back during your healthy pregnancy.

Belly Support: As your belly starts growing, it can cause a major strain on your back. Using a belly band that you can hide beneath your clothing is a great way to reduce that strain and maintain a more comfortable healthy pregnancy. With so many belly bands on the market, it can be difficult to figure out which one is the best. Some of them can get incredibly pricey! One band that has gotten great reviews and is very cost effective is the It’s You Babe Mini Cradle.  The great thing about this belly band is that it’s relatively small, so it won’t make you terribly hot in the summer the way some larger girdles can!

The Boppy Body Pillow helps cradle and support your stomach as you sleep.

Sleep Support: Insomnia is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy, yet when that belly starts growing, the hours of sleep start shrinking! One of my all-time favorite pregnancy comfort items was my Snoogle pillow. However, at over $60, it’s not exactly a budget saver. While I felt it was well worth it, there are less expensive brands that accomplish the same level of sleep support. The Boppy Custom Fit Total Body Pillow sells for less than $40 on Amazon and has rave reviews. If that is still outside your budget, a Boppy Wedge will also provide support to your growing belly and costs about $16.

A personal fan helps keep you cool in the summer!

Cooling Comfort: If you live in one of the many parts of the world that gets blistering hot during the summer, you know how uncomfortable it can be for anyone. Add a growing belly, pregnancy hormones giving you hot flashes and overall discomfort to the mix, and summer can be downright misery-inducing! Follow summer safety tips for a healthy pregnancy by staying hydrated and spending plenty of time in the cooler air conditioning. If you don’t have AC, get yourself a nice compact personal fan to keep your cool. Feel free to keep it to yourself! After all, you’re technically cooling off two people! When you are out and about, bring a handheld misting fan and stash plenty of cold fluids in our Mini-Cooler sling bag! It’ll keep your drinks cold and refreshing so you can stay hydrated in comfort!

Get a pair of good shoes for comfort and support.

Good Foot Support: This is one area where you really don’t want to scrimp on the budget. While you don’t need a $200 pair of sneakers, you really should try to get the best possible support you can afford. Trust me! When I was pregnant with my son, I was still wearing sneakers that I’d had for four years. While they held up amazingly, they weren’t really giving me the support that I needed, and my feet were killing me! Unless you’re planning on running a marathon (you better check with your doctor first!), a good pair of walking shoes should do it. Here’s a money-saving tip: try on shoes at the shoe store, then right down the size and brand that fit best and see if you can find them online for a lower price. Our five favorites are below:

#1 Skechers Performance Women’s Go Step Lite Slip-on Walking Shoe

#2 VenusCelia Women’s Natural Comfort Walking Flat Loafer

#3 TIOSEBON Women’s Athletic Shoes Casual Mesh Walking Sneakers

#4 ALEADER Women’s Slip-on Athletic Water Shoes

#5 Feetmat Womens Walking Sneakers Ultra Lightweight Breathable Mesh

These items will all help make your pregnancy healthier and a little more comfortable. Just remember, the most important part of a healthy pregnancy is following your doctor’s advice! If you are experiencing extreme nausea, discomfort or any other issues that seem out of the norm, be sure to contact your obstetrician immediately.

22 thoughts on “Healthy Pregnancy: Must-Have Items for Mom to Be on a Budget”

  1. I would definitely remember these things when I get pregnant. I’m sure these would all be helpful for me however, I’m just not sure if these are available in our country. I’m praying the belly support is because that’s what I think I’ll need most.

  2. A pillow like that would be a godsend. I always have to have a big body pillow to support my belly and put between my legs. Pregnancy is never kind to me when I need to sleep. These are all some great ideas. I also loved the pregnancy pops to help with morning sickness.

  3. I haven’t experienced pregnancy but I’ve had a lot of friends and colleagues who have. Many of them talk about the discomforts of the first and last trimesters. I’ve heard a lot about back pain, swollen feet, and definitely morning sickness. It’s good that expectant mom’s have some type of relief.

  4. The morning sickness relief pops and that pillow both look like they would be essential during pregnancy! I am not pregnant, nor have I ever been but I will definitely keep this in mind should the day come! Very informative post, thanks for sharing!

  5. I had to wear a crazy brace because I am all stomach from really early on. Those candies were nice but way too expensive for how sick I was during the whole pregnancy, three times! I would have spent hundreds of dollars on them alone!

  6. I’ve never been pregnant myself, but I think I would enjoy that pillow just the same. haha. It looks like a great pillow. Prenatals are super important for baby’s healthy development and mom’s physical well-being. And I think having good shoes would just be sensible. My sister-in-law had feet that swelled so much when she was pregnant, so proper footwear was vital for her. I like the belly band, too. There are so many muscles that are strained from carrying all that baby weight out front, so that seems sensible and beneficial.

  7. I totally agree with the pillow. I had one like that through all of my pregnancies and it was amazing. All the other things I didn’t bother with except my last pregnancy I tried preggie pops. They were ok, but a little expensive when any sucky candy could do the trick! I may grab some this time around just because I did enjoy them :) I need to go pick up another one of these pillows!

  8. Okay, so I don’t plan on having a little one anytime soon, but that boppy pillow is screaming my name. I can so see myself curling into that pillow and knocking slam out for the night. The Fan is a woman’s must have, our bodies change so much that hot flashes are very unexpected.

  9. OOOQ!!! This reminds me of my first pregnancy! I had a pillow just like that! It was super comfortable! I think I might have taken those vitamins, too. :) These are some great things to have. The fan especially for the summers but then again, I was always hot with my little guy when I was pregnant and I had him in April in New Jersey. :)

  10. That pillow looks really comfortable. I am not pregnant but I need that now. These are great and I am sure that fan is a lifesaver especially in the summer.

    1. I HIGHLY recommend one! Even if you’re not pregnant, they’re awesome! I still use mine, and my son is 8. I just bought a new one about two years ago. My first one held up for nearly 6 years!

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