7 Of The Worst Pregnancy Announcement Mistakes To Avoid

Before you spill the big news, you need to see the absolute worst pregnancy announcements mistakes so you can avoid them. Keep the drama away from mama!

The line turned pink and you can’t wait to make your pregnancy announcement, but there are a few mistakes you should avoid.

The rules are changing these days with cell phones and social media.

We have so many ways to connect to each other!

Pregnancy announcements are still very personal for a family, so check out these guidelines to keep the drama away from you new mama!

These are the mistakes you want to avoid when announcing your pregnancy.

►► I wish someone told me about these pregnancy struggles.

7 Of The Worst Pregnancy Announcement Mistakes To Avoid

1. You Announce By Text

At the very minimum video chat or call with your big news. Your family and friends most likely want to share your excitement. It’s hard to scream and cheer together when you’re reading a text.

2. You Announce On Social Media Before Telling Family And Close Friends

Don’t be this person. Your mom and your best friend want to find out the exciting news from you, not from Facebook.

Facebook is great for friends you don’t see very day, but close friends and family need a more personal announcement. Also, watch if you comment in pregnant mom groups online that are open for all your followers and friends to see!

3. You Make The Announcement Too Complicated

Sure it can be funny to be a little tricky with a pregnancy announcement riddle, but if you make things too complicated your friends and family may not be able to guess!

Keep things simple and the second they figure it out, everyone will be jumping for joy! This also goes for complicated props, try not to go overboard.

Your family wants to celebrate with you! Skip releasing butterflies, confetti cannons, and anything that involves throwing paint if your guests aren’t expecting it!

4. You Steal Someone Else’s Thunder

Picture this, the family is all gathered and together. What a perfect time to announce your pregnancy right? Not if it’s for Julia’s wedding, or Mitchell’s birthday dinner!

Don’t announce your pregnancy at someone else’s special event, it steals their spotlight and you may end up with resentment.

Arrange your own gathering so everyone can help you celebrate!

5. Someone Else Makes a Big Announcement At The Same Time

You’re sitting down to your families Sunday dinner, and today is going to be the day you make your big announcement!

Before you can say baby, your brother proposes to his girlfriend. This is kind of like stealing someone else’s thunder, except this time you didn’t know this other announcement was happening!

Bite your tongue and set up a second event to avoid the potential drama.

6. You Announce As You Are Saying Goodbye

Whether you’re wrapping up for the night, or are moving across the country, don’t wait until the end to tell the news! Your family and friends will want to ask you about all the details.

Don’t wait until the last mocktail has been cleared and people are making their way to the door.If you have a big move don’t wait for the farewell party to spill the beans!

7. You Announce Too Early

The line turned pink and are you ever so excited! Let’s go call everyone in our phone! Hold the phone, sometimes pregnancy doesn’t always go as planned. It’s best to wait until the end of the first trimester rather than give the same painful explanation over and over again that there were complications, or that it was a false positive.

Do this for your own emotional well-being, it will be hard for you emotionally if you announce too early.

These are the biggest pregnancy announcement mistakes I can think of, can you think of any more? Tell me what other things we should all avoid when it’s announcement time down in the comments!

20 thoughts on “7 Of The Worst Pregnancy Announcement Mistakes To Avoid”

  1. Telling people ‘too early’ is not a mistake. Coming from someone who has had a miscarriage, it sucks to not have anyone supporting you because they didn’t know the news in the first place. With my next pregnancy and any future blessings we get, we announced early to close family and friends so we could have that support system regardless of what happens. But to also celebrate this beautiful baby for as long as we have possible because yeah, you never know what it going to happen! I wish I celebrated my first baby more than I did and that’s a regret I have to live with now that she is in heaven. Share the news when and how you want! It’s your life and your news!

    1. Totally agree I’ve been through miscarriage and got a lot of support because I announced early. And I had to listen from some people I shouldn’t have done that. It’s too painful and being able to share this burden with others helped me a lot. And my little star was celebrated as it deserved.

  2. It’s horrible that you may think waiting to announce a pregnancy would be saving you something if it ends in a loss. It doesn’t matter how early or far along you are, that life growing inside you matters. Just the same if it were an early miscarriage or an infant death, or a living baby you get to take home. They all matter!
    Take it from someone who knows all too well.

    1. I read some where that they more people who know early…in the most unfortunate event of something happening you have a huge support network that will know what your going through…and be there for you

  3. announce however you want, you dont owe it to anyone to give them a special privet pre announcement… I found out about all my friends pregnancies via social media and my families through word of mouth and never once been pissed off, its THEIR news to share however they want and its NOT about anyone else

  4. I would definitely not say anything on social media for a while. I’ve seen many do that before some of their family or friends even know. I think that’s crazy.

  5. This is all interesting to read – and I agree. Some situations are just not right to announce things like that. I have been in some similar situations before, not on the side of the announcing couple, but similar situations – it was kind of awkward sometimes.

  6. I remember when I found out that I was expecting. We told the kids and my husband’s mom in person. I had to call my dad.

  7. These are great tips! I always told close family and friends before social.. I didn’t mind telling people too early because when I did lose one of my twins it helped to have someone to talk to.

  8. My kids are teens, so I think I was out of the loop on pregnancy announcements. I am not sure I even knew about them at that point. I think it would be a mistake to announce too early. You never know what could happen.

  9. Jeanine @ sixtimemommy.com

    My first 4 babies someone always “stole my thunder” someone in my husbands family always announced right after us and it was really annoying but it is what it is. I dont think of anyone when I announce I tell family and close friends, then announce!

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