5 Fun Pregnancy Announcements for the Men

Making your pregnancy announcement to your husband is such a monumental moment! You want it to be really special! Check out these fun ideas for pregnancy announcements for men!

There are many pregnancy announcements that are so girly and focus on the mom, but what about an announcement that the man (husband) will like?  You just got to get a little creative and have fun!  There is nothing wrong with cute and girly, but everyone does it.  Save that for your photo shoot (yes you get to do one of those too!)  Here are some ideas for announcing your pregnancy that the men will like to be involved in too.

Fun Pregnancy Announcements for the Men

Say it with Books

You know those books like ‘Computers for Dummies’?  How cute is this for your first baby announcement?  You holding the ‘What to Expect When Expecting’ book and daddy-to-be holding ‘Your Baby’s First Year for Dummies’.  You have to have a sense of humor, obviously I don’t think the daddy is a dummy, but let’s be real here, father’s get nervous and scared too when it comes to being a dad!


Baby and Burger

This is a different take on the ‘Beer and Baby’ one.  Mom is holding a cute framed photo of an ultrasound pic over her belly and Daddy is holding a nicely framed photo of (yes you guessed it) a burger.  Both can either look down proudly at their bellies or have big smiles on their faces, either way, it looks super cute when the Dad is just as proud of his burger as the Mom is off her baby!


The Morning Sickness Announcement

I have seen this one a few times, and it always makes me chuckle.  We are in the age of selfies and this announcement takes advantage of the times.  It would be cruel to actually take the live action shot of Mom in all her morning sickness glory, head hung in the toilet.  So whether you want to stage it, or you will allow him to live by taking it for real, it will definitely get the message across!  Picture this: you have your head hung over the toilet and your man takes a selfie with a thumbs up!  You can add text to the photo letting everyone know the expected due date.


Daddy in a Panic

I love this one because it is probably pretty close to how a lot of dads-to-be feel!  You and he sit on the floor surrounded by some baby items (rubber duckies, diapers, wipes, toys…) Between you there is a countdown to baby (you can mark this by days such as ‘184 days’).  The best part is the chalkboard with the ‘game plan’.  Number 1 is ‘PANIC!’ number 2 is ‘Panic again!’ and number 3 is ‘Practice on cat’ and sitting with the cat is you, with a diaper on the cat, and the look on your face is priceless!  Sort of like ‘For real? You really diapered the cat?’  And of course, daddy is next to you with a terrified look on his face.  If you don’t have a cat, you can replace him with a dog, or gerbil or doll.


‘I did this!’

This is cute. Daddy stands holding a chalkboard or a note with a cute frame around it reading ‘I Did This!’ with an arrow pointed at Mom’s growing belly.  It’s a nice way to incorporate Dad in the announcement without Mom being the center of attention.  It’s kind of funny too!
Get creative!  This announcement is about the 2 of you and your big news!  Let your fun and comical side show through.  There are going to be many things in the upcoming trimesters that are not so fun (did I just burst your bubble?)  The next months are going to be all about you; your cravings, your pains, your joys.  A lot of that your other half isn’t going to be able to experience as you are.  Let him be a big part of the reveal!  

We also love these ideas from Pinterest!


How did you announce your pregnancy to the men in your life?  Share your fun stories with us below in the comments!

18 thoughts on “5 Fun Pregnancy Announcements for the Men”

  1. Emily Marshall

    Great ideas, thank you for sharing. I will remember these when I finally decide to have kids. maybe in another decade or two!

  2. Having been 80s/90s kids, we did play on the old Vanilla Ice song. My hubby held 2 bags of ice that said ‘ICE’ on them and I stood holding a pic of our first (7 week) scan against my tummy – even though we only announced it after my first trimester. Most people got the ‘ICE ICE BABY’ reference. It was very cute

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