7 Charming Ideas To Make Pregnancy Scan Cards

Pregnancy Scan cards are such a sweet way to share news of a new baby with family and friends. Check out our charming ideas and find your inspiration!

There are so many cute ways to make pregnancy scan cards. Just for the record, I am not currently pregnant. Nope, nada, no baby here. That being put out there (Mom!), there are some seriously adorable ways make your pregnancy scan into a card, announcement or baby shower invitation. Check up some of the ideas I saved in case there is a baby number two one day!

Related: Ultimate List of Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

7 Charming Ideas To Make Pregnancy Scan Cards

Hands And Hearts Around The Pregnancy Scan

Here is a super easy idea you can make where the picture truly does the talking. Snap a picture of yourself or yourself and your partner creating a heart with your hands for a gorgeous shot. You can then easily use this shot to cover the entire card to announce your pregnancy. This is a sweet moment you will want to capture.

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue


Found on Etsy / Via CLacey Design

This cheeky card I found on Etsy at CLacey Design has a Valentine’s Day feel but is so sweet you could use the poem any time of the year. This is a delightful pregnancy scan card your family will be thrilled to receive. If you are having twins, you have to click over to see the lovely twins version of this card.


Related: 7 DIY Pregnancy Announcements That Take Only 5 Minutes

Super Hero


Found on Etsy / via atouchofdesign

A little superhero is on his or her way, and who better to tell the world then your favorite superhero. I like this Wonder Women themed card from A Touch of Design that could be changed for any superhero you like. This could also be used to announce your baby or for a shower invite, how fun!

Scrabble Tiles


Use Scrabble tiles to write out your due date, announce the gender or even just say “our family is growing!” This card idea is super simple to make but looks so chic when you put the whole pregnancy scan card together. I love this inspiration to announce a baby and include the name of the new little one!

Sports Baby



Oh, my ‘lanta, how cute are these sports themed pregnancy scans? I found two that I have to share. The first one is a football themed one, and the second is hockey. If you are a sports fan, this is your card! I couldn’t choose as we are a football and hockey family!

Related: 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed for Your First Baby

Say It Simply


Via families.com

This pregnancy scan card is simple and sweet. I like how they included the size of the baby and how far along they are. The simple chalk style heart just pulls at my heartstrings and will be a sweet memento for you and your family.



I have saved these ideas to share with a friend who just told me she’s pregnant. Which is your favorite of these pregnancy scan cards?

Image Credit: Jason Corey

27 thoughts on “7 Charming Ideas To Make Pregnancy Scan Cards”

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  5. Wow! What a cute idea! I never even thought about doing something like this when I was preggo with either of my kiddos!! So cute and personal – I bet family adored these.

  6. They are all cute, I really love this idea. My ultrasound card was in my album. But now i have an idea and i can display it in our house.

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