5 Ways Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water Helps Support a Healthy Lifestyle + Giveaway

This post is brought to you by Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. All opinions are our own.

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!


Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water! Today, we’re going to talk about five fabulous ways that mineral water helps support a healthy lifestyle. I bet you’ll be surprised by a few! I know I was!

Benefits of Gerolsteiner Mineral Water as Part of Your Health Routine

First things first. Since we’re talking a bit about overall well-being and healthy lifestyles, I need to reiterate (and I know you know this), that nothing in this article is meant to be taken as medical advice. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have regarding your daily intake of minerals. It’s also important to talk to your doctor before beginning any sort of “detox” if you are on certain medications or have preexisting medical conditions.

There, now that we have that out of the way, let’s get on to those neat benefits of Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!


1- Calcium to support strong bones and teeth

Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water contains 84 mg of calcium per 8 fl. Oz, which is more than 35% of the recommended daily intake. As you know, calcium is vital to keeping your teeth and bones strong and healthy. It also plays a major role in transmitting impulses coming from the nerves to the muscle, and helps regulate your heart’s activity. To give you an idea of how vital a role it plays, when I was in nursing school, we spent a good week just covering the importance of calcium for the heart.

2- Magnesium for healthy muscles

I tend to eat a lot of dairy (too much, probably), so getting enough calcium isn’t my biggest challenge. Magnesium, on the other hand, is where I fall WAY too short. I’ve started taking supplements, but honestly, I forget about them half of the time.

Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water contains 26 mg of magnesium per 8 fl. oz., or more than 25% of the recommended daily intake. Since I’m already drinking it to quench my thirst, I don’t have to worry about forgetting to take a supplement.  Magnesium is super important to your nerves and muscles. It also helps support healthy energy metabolism.

3- Bicarbonate for keeping occasional heartburn at bay

Did you know that bicarbonate is the secret mineral that minimizes the effects of occasional heartburn? It’s true! Each liter of Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water contains more than 1,800 mg of bicarbonate. It works by helping regulate the acid-base balance and neutralizing occasional excess stomach acid. You know, all that acid that comes on after you’ve eaten a spicy meal! Of course, if you’re experiencing heartburn frequently, you should call your doctor.

4- Easier absorption of minerals within your body

Since the minerals are dissolved in water, your body has an easier time absorbing them. Experts call it high bioavailability. That’s beneficial all around because, honestly, what’s the point of eating or drinking mineral-rich foods and beverages if your body is only going to absorb an itty-bitty amount?

5- Fresh, natural taste makes getting your minerals more enjoyable.

All the benefits in the world don’t mean a thing if you just plain don’t like the taste of something. This is where I run into a lot of issues, I’m so picky! Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water has a fresh, natural taste that you’ll love. The high level of bicarbonate balances out all the minerals in the water, resulting in a perfectly neutral taste.

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!

Did you know that mineral water is one of the most strictly regulated beverages in the world? To call yourself a “mineral water” and get the internationally recognized seal of approval, the water has to be extracted and bottled in its original pure form right from the location of the underground spring. PLUS, it must meet certain requirements regarding mineral content per liter.

By comparison, while spring water is typically obtained and bottled from underground springs, there are no laws saying that it must be. It just needs to be relatively free of microbiological contaminants and have no odor or taste.

Take the Sparkling Detox Challenge

Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water wants you to learn all about their fabulous benefits for yourself with a fun detox challenge! It’s simple and fits perfectly into even the busiest lifestyle.  All you must do is drink Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water (and nothing else) for five days. Sorry, that does mean no coffee, but it will be worth it! There are no other restrictions, so you’re free to eat what you want (although if you’re going to do a detox challenge, you might as well bring your “A” game eating healthy, too!).

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!

The Challenge runs from September 11th, 2017 through September 15th. Top fitness trainer and nutritionist Ariane Hundt will be on hand in the Sparkling Detox Facebook Group to cheer you on and offer up some great motivational tips. Gerolsteiner will also share plenty of delicious meal and snack ideas, as well as some fun exercise suggestions.

Even more exciting, everyone has a chance to win Gerolsteiner for their own detox in a fab giveaway! The giveaway is open to all and 300 lucky entrants will win one case of Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water ((24 500ml/16.9 fl. oz. BPA-free lightweight plastic bottles) to help with the challenge. That’s enough for 2.4 liters per day. Basically, more than enough to get your recommended eight glasses each day. Click here  for more details and rules.

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!

Registration closes on August 28, 2017, so sign up now! Check out the store locator to find Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water near you. Don’t forget to check for special offers on the Ibotta app, or get buy in bulk at Sam’s Club or jet.com.

Looking for an easy way to increase your daily intake of vital minerals like calcium and magnesium? It doesn’t get any easier than with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water!


Want to learn more and become a mineral water expert? Visit Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water’s website and learn all about Healthy Hydration.  Follow Gerolsteiner on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with news. Don’t forget to join the Sparkling Detox Community!


Will you participate in the Sparkling Detox Challenge? What surprised you the most about the benefits of mineral water? Share below!

20 thoughts on “5 Ways Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water Helps Support a Healthy Lifestyle + Giveaway”

  1. Drinking mineral water just makes more sense. Think about it- nowhere on this planet is there a natural source of water than doesn’t contain trace minerals like calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The human race has been drinking mineral water and running on it since the beginning of time.

  2. I didn’t know that mineral water was that beneficial, but you have to be careful as I’m not sure how regulated bottle water is.

  3. You know what’s crazy? When I drink the recommended amount of water, I don’t need coffee. Need to try the challenge!

  4. I had no idea that mineral water was this beneficial. I guess I had better buy some because I could use the health benefits.

  5. I haven’t had mineral water. Having worked with the water department, there is so much that goes into making sure that your water is safe to drink. I know that Ozarka is just tap water from Fort Worth.

  6. I’ve never really thought of mineral water as a source of micro nutrients, but now that you point them all out, there’s definitely something there.

  7. Magnesium is a hard one for me too and it helps with so many health issues. It amazing me how something so simple can be so beneficial.

  8. My Mom really likes sparkling mineral water, I don’t care for it. I don’t recall seeing this brand in our area.

  9. This isn’t a brand I’ve seen before. I googled it and found out it can be shipped through Walmart and Amazon if a person doesn’t see it at the store. I’m surprised at how healthy Gerolsteiner sparkling water is to drink. Yes, I’d try it and am even considering the liquid detox challenge.

  10. Kelly Hutchinson

    I love sparkling water, but I have not had the Gerolsteiner brand before. You had me at calcium! I am shocked at how much calcium there is in the water. That is fantastic.

  11. I love seltzer water but I don’t get the minerals and bicarb that come in this mineral water. I will look for it and I might take the challenge but I will miss my coffee.

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