Kill Litter Box Odor Without Breaking Your Budget with #FreshStep at Target! #Unsmellable

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Fresh Step at Target for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.


As a multi-cat parent, I’ve learned more about fighting litter box odor over the last 20 years than I ever thought possible. It’s been an ongoing process to find the perfect balance of a litter that fights odors without causing a revolt among my cats. As cat parents (or more accurately, your cats’ loyal subjects), you know what I’m talking about, right? You find a litter you like, but your cats decide it’s too dusty, so they start going just outside the box to show you who’s boss. So you find something they like, but my goodness, the odors when you walk past that box! Finding balance is hard.

Kill Litter Box Odor with Fresh Step with the Power of Febreze

For us, Fresh Step has always been one of our top choices for finding that balance. Their formulas contain more of the odor, clump better and leave behind less dust than many of the others we’ve tried. Now, with their brand new Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™, they’ve taken everything I’ve always loved about them several “steps” further!

Alex the Fuzz is happy we're controlling litter box odors with Fresh Step with the Power of Febreze!
Alex the Fuzz is happy we’re controlling litter box odors with Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™!

This year, in addition to the kitties I already had, we introduced two new kittens to the family: Zoe and Alex the Fuzz. My son named him Alex, but just look at him, he’s clearly The Fuzz, hence his full “superstar” name, Alex the Fuzz. Zoe has an odd obsession with everyone’s bathroom habits, from humans to all the other cats. That came in handy, because The Fuzz was a 8-week-old feral who never used a litter box. Zoe, who was 6 months old when he moved in, actually helped train him. Even spayed, she has strong maternal instincts.

Zoe gives Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™ her “sniff test.”

Controlling odor in our multi-cat family is more important than ever, because Zoe is very picky, my senior cat Mally won’t touch anything that is dusty and The Fuzz was used to a whole different consistency entirely when it came to his bathroom. We’re lucky enough to have a large laundry room that also acts as the “cat box room.” Still, with no windows in that room, we almost have to work harder to keep it odor-free.

Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™ takes a lot of work out of the task of eliminating litter box odor. The power of Febreze™ doesn’t just mask odors, it eliminates them, making the litter really, truly unsmellable. I literally smell nothing from the litter boxes when I walk into the laundry room. Fresh Step® is so confident that you’ll find the same litter box odor control that they offer a 10-Day Continuous Odor Control Guarantee.  If you notice the litter boxes getting stinky before those 10 days are up, you can fill out a form and get your money back. That’s confidence!


Litter box odor control is fantastic, but it’s not the only thing I look for when buying kitty litter. I also want something that clumps tight so scooping isn’t a nightmare. Fresh Step® has ClumpLock™ Odor Technology, that not only locks in odors but also forms tight clumps. Another major factor- it’s a lower dust formula versus their previous formula. My cats can’t stand dusty litter any more than I can.

NEW Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™ comes in several different formulas. I grabbed the 34-pound Extreme formula for this post, but I’ve also tried the Multi-Cat formula as well. Both perform splendidly. They also have a Lightweight formula.

Save 20% on NEW Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™ at Target!


One last thing I look at when buying litter: price. Fresh Step® isn’t only one of my top choices because of how well it performs, it’s also one of the most fairly priced litters on the shelf. Want to stretch your pet budget even further? Save 20% with Cartwheel at Target from 2/28- 3/5!  That brings the price of the 34-pound box down to about $12.80. That’s an amazing price.   litter-box-odor-fresh-step

I found Fresh Step® both on the end cap of my local Target’s pet section and, of course, in their litter section. The 34-pound box of Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™  was in the actual litter section. For just a few dollars more, it made sense to me to get that one because I have multiple litter boxes. I like that it’s actually made up of 2 17lb boxes, makes it easier to fill my two boxes.

Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™ is such a smart and easy way to kill those litter box odors. It’s Fuzz-approved in our household, so you know it has to be good! Head out to your local Target and save 20% with Cartwheel on your favorite formula of Fresh Step® with the Power of Febreze™!

Do you live in a mult-cat household? What do you do to control litter box odor? Tell us in the comments!

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17 thoughts on “Kill Litter Box Odor Without Breaking Your Budget with #FreshStep at Target! #Unsmellable”

  1. Thanks for the review i am currently using a diffe i will give this brand a try.nt brand right now but when i finish

  2. I wish we never gave our kitty away! I was allergic to kitty hair.. I do remember buying this brand when we had our kitty for a week. I was so impressed with how the kitty would go to its litter every time without having accidents.

  3. It seems Febreze is very effective to remove odors of litter box. Will give it a try. Because, its important to keep these boxes refreshing. Else, the odor stinks a big time.

  4. My sister has two rescue cats, and has yet to find the perfect litter solution. She’s tried several brands and even deodorizing spray. I will have to suggest this to her as the next product to try!

  5. We have a kitty and I try my best to keep up with the litter box. We do use Fresh Step litter and I don’t have issue with it at all. I’d like to try the Fresh Step with the Power of Febreze variety!

  6. I never owned a cat, so I have no idea how stinky it could get around the house. But it’s good that there are products like this to help eliminate odor! That’s amazing!

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