How To Make Friends With Other Moms

Ever wonder how to make friends with other moms? Check out our crash course on bonding with that cool mom in you Mommy & Me group!

Ever wonder how to make friends with other moms? The idea of making new friends well into adulthood is not all that appealing for some of us. Let’s be honest: once we’re a certain age, we like who we like. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that – in fact, I was the epitome of antisocial before I had my son. But once I became a mom, and started an entirely different type of life and routine revolving entirely around my son, I knew that I desperately needed to make friends with some other moms. And now that my son is a preschooler, I am so very glad I did. Here’s a how-to list of sorts on making mom friends that worked for me!

Make Friends with Other Moms

  1. Baby and Me Activities: There are so many different classes out there for new moms and newborns, and they are certainly worth checking out. I took a mom and baby yoga class when my son was tiny, and even though workout-wise it was a little bit silly (we basically stretched out our babies’ legs and tickled them for 45 minutes!), I became very good friends with one of the moms I met there. An added bonus is that our kids are the same age, and play pretty much perfectly together. Getting involved in activities with your newborn is a fantastic way to meet other moms who are going through the exact same thing as you are. Someone to bounce all the crazy “Is this normal?!?!?!?” baby-related questions off of? Yes please, sign us up!
  2. Explore Your Neighborhood: If your baby is anything like mine was, chances are you know every single street within a five-mile radius of your house from taking said baby for walks in the hopes that they sleep (“Just sleep, already!”). Check out the houses you pass (in as non-creepy a way as possible!) for signs of other moms. The signs are usually pretty easy to spot: a stroller abandoned on the porch; a car with a “Baby on Board” sign in the window; a dazed looking women approximately your age with spit-up stains on her sweatshirt getting into that same car with a wailing baby in one arm and a suitcase-sized diaper bag in the other.   Check out the local parks, sit for a few minutes on a bench with another mom and just see if she feels like chatting about her baby. Chances are she does, and chances are she is just as sleep-deprived and ready for a coffee as you are.
  3. Online Support Groups: Whatever your parenting philosophies are, I can almost guarantee you that there is an online group of like-minded mommies out there willing to offer support or ask for advice. On Facebook (which I spend way too much time on), there are countless groups that you can join about parenting. I joined two Facebook groups in my community, where literally thousands of other mothers offer advice about anything you can imagine – and not all of it mommy-related, which is very refreshing. Through one of my online groups, I met a group of several moms whose friendship has made the wild journey of motherhood more manageable. Our regular playdates have kept me sane through the Terrible Two’s, the Threenage Years and beyond!

Being a mom can feel isolating, especially in the beginning when you’re home alone with the baby and you feel completely overwhelmed. Building friendships with other mothers has helped to build my confidence and self-esteem as a mom, and I know that I’m a better mom because of it.   And there’s always coffee served at playdates. Enough said!

Do you have any other tips on how to make friends with other moms? Share in the comments!

9 thoughts on “How To Make Friends With Other Moms”

  1. Thanks for the post, I find it really difficult making new friends at my age for some reason and sometimes feel a little isolated.

  2. These are really helpful tips for specially 1st time mothers. Their life totally changes after 1st baby. Exploring in neighborhood is great option for anyone who is trying to make some friends.

  3. Leslie Crosbie

    It gets harder to make friends as you get older & it is hard to keep old ones unless their lives change as yours does. These days most of my friends are online

  4. Moms can be a little judgmental, but they are a very good support group once you get inside their circle. I really like the idea of being friends with fellow moms because you get to exchange wisdom and give each other support!

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