10 Totally Relatable Mom Tweets That You Make You Say “Same!”

I bet these 10 totally relatable mom tweets will make you say “same here!” Check them out for a good laugh! We all need more parenting humor in our lives!

I bet these 10 totally relatable mom tweets will make you say “same here!” Check them out for a good laugh! We all need more parenting humor in our lives!


As moms, no matter where we live or how we parent, we can all relate to each other in one way or another. For example, I don’t know a single mom that hasn’t dealt with sleep deprivation at some point in her child’s life, so we all have that in common. I think we also all experience the silliness that comes with having a child! While being a mother is nothing short of a miracle, sometimes its less than heavenly! Here are 10 funny mom tweets that I bet you can totally relate to!

10 Totally Relatable Mom Tweets

1. Interpretation is everything Sometimes kids just don’t get it. Or maybe they do but they want to pretend they don’t! Let’s hope this interpretation changes by the time said kid is older.



2. When the bathroom gives you privacy. This instance of jail doesn’t sound so bad! Privacy and some peace and quiet? Yes please!


3. Remember those days of being hip, having nice hair and wearing amazing outfits? Those don’t happen very often! Being a mom is all about raising yourself, in tiny form.



4. It’s the simple thing in life As moms, we value the small things. Naps. Sunshine. Coffee. And of course, comfortable clothes.


5. It sounded good before it really happened A trip to the mall sounds nice, right? Wrong! Kids are great at taking a relaxing trip out of the house and turning it into a nightmare. Cue instant regret.


6. Kids always know best Didn’t you know that wind makes the sun not so bright? All that wind might blow the sunscreen right off! Sometimes there is no use in explaining things to kids.


7. Doing gross things is a sign of love There’s nothing worse than a kid who can’t stay out of his nose. Sometimes it’s easier to take one for the team and stick your own finger up there!


8. Coffee is the nectar of sanity, and life Moms and coffee go hand-in-hand. Caffeine is a must have to keep up with the busy thing that is #momlife.


9. Two birds, one stone We all have those days where the simplest things turn into a marathon of activity. We all know that grocery shopping with a kid is dangerous. Be daring and get that cardio in!


10. Are kids ever hungry for real food? Put some snacks in front of a kid and they can eat until they’re stuffed. Take an hour to cook a nice home cooked meal? The appetite is suddenly missing.


I think I’ve experienced some form of all of these funny mom tweets throughout my parenting life! Being a mom is definitely the best thing in the world, but let’s be honest, it isn’t always rainbows and sunshine!

Which of these funny mom tweets can you relate to? Tell us below!

7 thoughts on “10 Totally Relatable Mom Tweets That You Make You Say “Same!””

  1. Motherhood is wanting to take your toddler places so he can have fun and then instantly regret it when you get there. – so much yes to this one!!!! It’s like she knows my kids. lol

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