Great Bullying Apps For Your Smart Phone & Tablet


With the Internet at our fingertips in the form of smart phones, tablets and devices, as parents we are becoming even more concerned about cyberbullying and how it can effect our children.  Here are some Great Bullying Apps For Your Phone that will help you prevent your child from being the subject of cyberbulling.  With various options for parental controls, blocking of images, specific sites or people from being accessed on phones and tablets, these programs provide you with a protection that can go with your child when you cannot.

Great Bullying Apps For Your Phone

GoGoStat:  This group of apps allows you various ways of tracking your kids social media activity.  Some of the applications available are free and others have a monthly fee, but there are choices to suit any of your needs with this group.  This is perfect for the parent who wants to give their child freedom, but also safety.  You can easily monitor who they are adding on social media, interaction there and if it is time to step in and block or remove a person who is becoming a bully.

Mobicap Safe Browser With Parental Control:  This app is a great alternative that helps enable controls right off the bat.  Not only can you monitor with this app, you can block people, sites and subjects that you don’t want your child exposed to.  This gives them freedom to interact online without you fearing what they may be subject to.  The ease of blocking unwanted interactions is a great way to stop cyberbulling in it’s tracks.

Bully Button:  This awesome bullying app is perfect for education and reporting bullying.  It’s a great place for your kids to go to answer questions and learn more about how to recognize bullying and prevent it.  It is also a resource with contact information on hotlines to help through depression, suicide prevention and even need for counseling or peer understanding.

StopIt!: If you are looking for a way to engage your children in helping prevent bullying this app and anti bullying organization are a great place to go. Offering options on how to prevent, stop, donate to the cause and overcome a history of bullying this app is a great place to start and a fun and bright adventure for your children.  Kids of all ages will love this app and learn about how they can make a difference in the world of bullying prevention.

No matter what your need in the bullying arena may be, there are tons of great bullying apps out there to help you learn more about bullying, how to prevent it, how to overcome it and how to stop it in it’s tracks.  Educating yourself, your child and your peers is the best way to prevent future bullying issues from occurring. Visit out Stop bullying tips to learn more about how you can prevent bullying

Do you know of any great bullying apps that we missed? Let us know in the comments!

5 thoughts on “Great Bullying Apps For Your Smart Phone & Tablet”

  1. Jennifer Williams

    I wish we never needed apps like these but am certainly glad we have them since we do. I will go through this list with my husband- there are a couple in here I definitely want to check out.

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