Tips For Dealing With Anonymous Cyber Bullies


One of the easiest things — or perhaps hardest — about cyber bullies is that oftentimes they are anonymous. That’s good right? Or maybe it’s bad, depending upon your perspective. How do you deal with these unknown, faceless trolls who harass and bully? Here are a few tips for dealing with anonymous cyber bullies.

How to deal with anonymous cyber bullies

Report to the Admin

Make sure you know how to contact an Administrator for the website on which you are dealing with the bully. Don’t hesitate to report any bullying behavior, messages, or posts to an Admin. Usually it is better to let an Admin step in and deal with a bully rather than trying to deal with them yourself.

Remember You Don’t Owe the Bully Anything

When dealing with anonymous cyber bullies, don’t fret over getting the bully into trouble or causing them problems. You don’t owe them anything. Not a thing. In fact, they owe you an apology for their bullying tactics, but you’re unlikely to ever see that happen.

Don’t Feed the Trolls

The most important rule about Fight Club, is you don’t talk about Fight Club…wait, wrong situation there. The correct advice for this situation is don’t feed the trolls! Bullies thrive on attention and the more they get your goat, the more they’re going to want more goats. Or something like that. The gist is — don’t engage. When a cyber bully tries to get you to respond to their attacks, don’t take the bait. Let an Admin deal with them and just ignore their attempts to get you to give them ammunition and motivation to keep going.

Be Friends With the Block Button

One of the best things about Facebook is that you can hide or block someone. In the event of a cyber bullying situation, you should make that block button your best buddy. If someone is bothering you and using bully tactics, just block them and be done with it. Take away their power by removing their access.

Let It Go

Just like that popular “Frozen” movies admonishes, “Let it go, let it go…” Yep, it’s hard sometimes not to take a bully’s words to hard but that’s part of their power — that their words get to you. Hitting the block button is easy, sending a report to an Administrator isn’t all that hard, ignoring a troll is a little harder but it can be done. Letting go of the bullying incident and the things the bully said to you might be a little harder, but it’s the most important.

Whatever the bully said, don’t take it to heart. You don’t know them, and they don’t know you. They can’t give you an accurate or knowledgeable assessment on your character, your beliefs, your thoughts, or you as a person. Once the incident is over and the anonymous bully has been taken care of, blocked, or removed, forget about it.

Anonymous cyber bullies can be found on every site on the web. The trick is to know how to deal with them and then forget about them.

Do you have any tips for dealing with anonymous cyber bullies that we missed? Share them in the comments!

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37 thoughts on “Tips For Dealing With Anonymous Cyber Bullies”

  1. Earlier this month in the beginning of June my one of my online writing forum groups let me go because I had no experience taking a Administrator course back then when I went to community college. I applied for an administrator position for an Italian writing forum somewhere on a man or woman called me for a phone interview then he or she called me back for another interview.
    So I told him or her I also had no experience in the business field. I use to be a retail worker for several retail stores and receptionist for two offices. Now I ‘m planing to go back to community college to earn my certificate so that I can become a part -time writer. I got bullied by a fake online writing group they came from somewhere in Europe they were chating with me on you tube Skype for one year. Then I broke up my friendship with these mean girls whom I met online they used me for money.

  2. These are great ways to dealing with anonymous cyber bullies indeed. I have never had to deal with this problem but I know it happens way to often. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What has our world come too for this to be such a problem. It saddens me but this is something that I wish would stop. I delete people off or block people who do things like this.

  4. These are wonderful tips which a lot of people should implement. It’s a sad world that we live in that there is now bullying online. Sheesh. Can’t we all just get along?

  5. It is so sad that our kids have to deal with Cyber Bullying. I would not want to be a kid in this day and age.

  6. These are just great tips, parents really have more to think about preparing our kids for these days. The internet can be a scary place … appreciate you sharing some tips!

  7. Fi Ní Neachtáin

    These are great tips. The block button has been my friend a lot when it comes to these bullying experiences on the internet.

  8. It’s scary to know that cyber bullying is becoming more common as the internet grows. Wish we could all just love each other. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  9. I hate cyber bullying -_- I swear it doesn’t end in high school…. I see it all the time in the adult blogging world as well…. People suck sometimes!!

  10. Cyber Bullying is horrible! I’m so glad you made this post. Lots of great information. I wish the bullying will stop, but unfortunately I doubt that’s even possible. It’s sad that people have to bully.

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