Startling & Disturbing Cyber Bullying Statistics

Startling & Disturbing Cyber Bullying Statistics : Read & Share

As vocal advocates for stopping bullying, we often find people doubting the seriousness of cyber bullying.  We have gathered some Cyber Bullying Statistics together to share with you today.  Not only will these numbers bring the graveness of this problem to light, we hope they will convince you to step out and fight with us against this crime that often ruins victims lives.

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First let’s make clear what cyber bullying is.  Cyber Bullying is the act of bullying someone via the internet, social media or chat rooms.  This is most often done anonymously in chat rooms, forums, social media and other online communities.  It can however be done by in real life friends or acquaintances as they seem to find courage behind the computer screen.  The following statistics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what our children experience in the form of cyber bullying.

A Few Startling Cyber Bullying Statistics:

  • Over 50% of adolescents have been bullied online.
  • Only 1 in 10 adolescents tells a parent when they have been bullied online.
  • 1 in 10 adolescents has embarrassing images taken of them without their permission by a peer.
  • Girls are more likely to be involved in cyber bullying than boys.
  • Sexually explicit texts, instant messaging and posting on social media are commonly used to humiliate and degrade victims.
  • Over 80% of teens have access to a smart phone or tablet which allows cyber bullying to be done in secret, without parents knowledge.
  • 95% of teens using social media have witnessed cyber bullying. 50% of those teens have ignored the bullying instead of intervening.
  • 1 million children were harassed, bullied or attacked via Facebook last year.

What can we do?

  • Create a level of good open communication with your children so they feel safe coming to you.
  • Set parameters on social media use in your home.
  • Follow suggested guidelines for ages to be on social media.  That means don’t create an account for your child before the “allowable” age listed.
  • Hold children accountable for their actions online.
  • Offer solid emotional support for your children.  Build their self esteem and help them to know their worth is not in what others say.
  • Follow through and stay in constant communication with your kids about their online practices.

As a parent your child and their safety are the most important things you think of.  Sadly, other individuals can tear that safety away quickly and easily by reaching out online and bullying.  These cyber bullying statistics are sobering to say the least.  Not only do you want to protect your children, you are fearful that you are unable to do so with internet use being so necessary for so much of their life.  Staying open and building a good relationship with your children in general will help you to experience a better change of keeping them safe online.  Not only will they be free to come to you if bullying occurs, they will already know their worth and not believe the lies.

Do any of these cyber bullying statistics surprise you?

24 thoughts on “Startling & Disturbing Cyber Bullying Statistics”

  1. Part of me is surprised about those stats and part of me isn’t. It’s sad to think that many kids get bullied and are too embarressed to talk about it. Parents live such busy lives these days they sometimes don’t see the signs that somethings wrong with their child. Taking time to talk with kids is so important to let them you are there and you care.

  2. You think because you have a good relationship with your child that they tell you everything. I’m saddened to know that the statistics show so few children are sharing their experiences with bullying with their parents.

  3. My son is only 4 years old, but I try to make it so that he feels that he is able to talk to me about anything. I know how important that is, especially as they get older.

  4. We track all of our kids’ online posts to both make sure they’re not being bullied or being the bully. It sure is a different world we live in!

  5. People have decided that it’s okay to be mean, hurtful, and just plain rude when they’re sitting behind their keyboard. I don’t know if it’s the lack of social interaction or just the anonymity of the internet that make them feel this is okay.

  6. The stats are really disturbing…I ‘m sitting here thinking to myself…kids today have it much harder. My generation didn’t have to worry about Internet bullying or cell phone drama.

  7. it’s so easy to be mean online. you just have to type a few words, and hide behind a computerIt’s so sad how many people do that.

  8. Danielle Stewart

    Isn’t it bad enough that they have to put up with this in school and now, it’s everywhere. While I am a fan of technology and its benefits (on some days), I think it can also be a very destructive force. Too many parents give their children free reign with a computer with no regard for their safety. Great info!

  9. It really is growing out of control. On 1 hand you want your kid to be social online, on the other, you have to watch every move.. Thanks for the Post! it is very informative!

  10. This is a great post! While some of the statistics sound a little surprising, thinking about it, it doesn’t surprise me that it is happening that much, the way social media is.

  11. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    And that is exactly why my kids are not allowed to use the computer yet. Even when they are older, no social media will be allowed.

  12. Hi Katie,

    I am kind of surprised about the percentage of teens who witness cyber bullying but only 50% do anything about it.

    While I was reading your post my 17 year old happened to be here with me. I asked her if she’s ever witnessed it, she said yes. When I asked her if she intervened she said she did reply to the bully and told him or her how childish they were being.

    Thanks for sharing this important information. When our kids are teens we need to be very active in their lives to make sure they’re safe. It’s a very dangerous world we live in.

    Gladly sharing this.

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