Mom Gets to See Her Rainbow Baby Being Born

This touching news story about a mom watching her rainbow baby being born will definitely bring on the tears! Get the tissues ready & check it out!

A couple of weeks ago, we shared with you a touching story about photo shoots honoring rainbow babies. That was the first time we had heard the term, used by parents to describe their “light after the storm,” a baby born after a miscarriage or other devastating loss.  Today’s story celebrates one mom’s first moments with her rainbow baby, and it definitely requires tissues!

The birth of a child is one of the best moments in any mother’s life. But, it is even more so when the journey that led to this point included one of the most heartbreaking moments a mother could ever experience. That brings us to the story of Jenna Leigh Edwards.

Mom Meets Her Rainbow Baby for the First Time

I have to admit that when researching this story, I was brought to her Instagram page, which is private, but you can see her heading which brought me to tears. It reads Angel mama to Greyson 9-30-14 and Earth mama to Gavin 3-8-16.

While Jenna’s page is private, her best friend, Bryn Huntpalmer, who has been by her side throughout this entire journey, has documented Jenna’s struggles and joys on her birth story podcast, The Birth Hour.

Jenna lost her son Greyson on September 30, 2014. Jenna was 34 weeks along in her pregnancy when one day she didn’t feel her baby move at all. A visit to the doctor would confirm her worst fear…her little Greyson had taken his last breath. Greyson was then delivered and stillborn. As any mother would be, Jenna was devastated.

After Greyson’s death, it took several appointments before Jenna found out she had a gene mutation known as MTHFR- short for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. Basically, MTHFR affects how your body processes folate. As Dr. Izabella Wentz explains it, “Individuals with low activity of the MTHFR enzyme may present with elevated homocysteine levels, which have been associated with inflammation and heart disease, birth defects, difficult pregnancies, and potentially an impaired ability to detoxify.”

Jenna delivered her son, Gavin, by planned C-section on March 8, 2016 because of Gavin being in the breech position. Jenna wanted to watch his birth so she requested a clear drape. Many hospitals are now trying out this option with cesarean births. It allows moms to have a more active and more personal role in the childbirth process. Instead of the traditional surgical cloth that is placed at the mother’s waist in order to preserve the sterile environment, it is replaced with a clear, plastic drape instead.

In an emotional photograph posted online, it shows the moment Gavin was born, as he and his mother’s hands are touching through the clear drape. They say that pictures speak a thousand words and this one definitely speaks volumes.

Through The Birth Hour Instagram page, Jenna posted a message two weeks after giving birth to Gavin. It read, “”Two weeks ago @ 8:26 am I met my littlest love of my life! As nerve-wracking as the C-section was and not knowing what to expect of his health once he was out, we were elated to hear those first loud cries and then to see his beautiful body through the clear drape. I will never forget the moment he reached out for my hand on the other side of that drape as long as I live!”

Do you have a touching story about your rainbow baby? We’d love to hear about it! Tell us in the comments!

15 thoughts on “Mom Gets to See Her Rainbow Baby Being Born”

  1. So sweet. I just had my rainbow baby in august and it was the most emotional of any of my births. It was something else. Rainbow babies are seriously something special.

  2. What a beautifully touching story! I have watched someone extremely close to me endure a miscarriage and I am so happy to share she now has a rainbow baby who is now eight months old.

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