Mad Life: The Parenting Show with Andrew Shue You Don’t Want to Miss!

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Mad Life: The Parenting Show You Don't Want to Miss!

Have you heard about Mad Life, a fantastic parenting show created by CafeMom Studios? If not, you need to check it out! It’s really unlike any other parenting show out there. Why? Well, first of all, it stars Andrew Shue (who happens to be a co-founder of CafeMom). Those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s remember him as Billy from Melrose Place.

The biggest reason you need to be watching Mad Life, though, is that the show really resonates with parents of all styles. Andrew Shue is joined by his mother-in-law Joanie and comedian Chuck Nice. Together, they talk about real parenting issues in fun and relatable ways. I love that the show doesn’t talk down or insist that their advice is the only way to do something. It is a feel-good show that makes you feel like you’re part of a discussion rather than on the receiving end of a lecture.

From Silly to Serious, Mad Life tells it like it is

Mad Life covers everything from those silly confessions that we moms hide from the world (like the time you cheated in Chutes and Ladders) to the more serious issues. One of my favorite segments deals with boosting your daughter’s body image. The show got advice from Sex Educator, Dr. Logan Levkoff to answer a mom’s question about how to help raise her daughter’s self-esteem. I think that’s something that any mom can relate to, even if you aren’t parenting a girl!

Another fantastic segment teaches kids about bullying. More specifically, how to be up-standers instead of by-standers. I love that term, up-standers! It’s a short segment, but still gets the message across. That’s what’s great about Mad Life, you can either watch an entire episode or you can browse through their site by category and find the segments that appeal to you.

The hosts all bring something special to the parenting round table. Shue’s children and step-children are scattered through the age groups, so he gets parenting both teens and school-age kids. Nice has much younger children. Joanie? Her kids are all grown up, so she’s pretty much seen it all! She rounds out the group with an “old-school” approach.

Together, the trio not only tackle tough parenting questions, but they show us that even celebrities have a Mad Life at times! It’s just a really fun show to watch.

Catch new episodes of Mad Life every Wednesday on CafeMom. You can also check out all their current episodes, or browse by category. You can also learn about Andrew, Joanie, and Chuck here.

Have you seen Mad Life? What topic would you love to see them cover next?

17 thoughts on “Mad Life: The Parenting Show with Andrew Shue You Don’t Want to Miss!”

  1. I haven’t seen this but then again I very rarely watch television. Seems like a great show especially for new parents as well.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    This is the first time I have heard of it, but it definitely sounds like something all moms will be able to relate to!

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