Day 4 of #LegoDuplo Challenge: Create a container

For the day 4 of the Lego Duplo 30 days of challenge, the idea was to build a container. The idea is to build a box where the child can use it for whatever he or she chooses.


As usual, after dinner, we sat in the play room to take this challenge. My daughter did not want to build a box. She wanted a house. My son suggested to build the box and add some windows: it will look like a house, he said. She was excited about this idea. My son helped her with the base and she added the windows and remaining blocks to finish the box/house.

Highlights of this Day 4 of Lego Duplo challenge

– It expands the imagination and creativity. My daughter and son had fun shaping the box and adding windows to it.

It improves fine motor skills: My daughter had to pick small parts and add them to the creation

It helps refining their knowledge of shapes and colors.


Then my daughter and I had fun building this house. It was fun because my daughter gave me instructions and I had to build the house!! She said: put the red here, put the brown here!!


And you? Did you take the challenge? You can join anytime and win a trip for 4 to LegoLand

Disclosure – I am participating in the LEGO® DUPLO® program by Mom Central Canada. I received compensation for my participation in this campaign. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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