Constipation in Children: Causes and Solutions

Constipation in children can be a miserable situation for both the child and the parents. A constipated child has bowel movements that happen less often than usual and are hard and dry. It can cause abdominal pain as well as pain when trying to go. In some cases, it can even cause bleeding, which can be very alarming! Constipation is usually related to diet, but in some cases, it may be behavioral. For example, children who are embarrassed to go at school or in public bathrooms may hold their bowel movement all day, then have difficulties going at home.

Causes of constipation

  • Drinking too much milk and juice. These products can be binding for some children. Of course, sometimes they can cause the opposite problem: diarrhea.
  • Eating too many dairy products in general. While milk is a typical culprit, as children tend to drink more milk at a young age, eating a lot of cheese and other dairy products can also cause constipation in children.
  • Not eating enough fiber such as fruits, cereals and vegetables. Fiber helps keep everyone regular, including children.
  • While potty training, child can resist and refrains from going on the potty. He becomes constipated. He holds back from bowel movement. It becomes hard and refrains from going on toilet. This can lead to a vicious cycle for your child.
  • A possible crack or tear in the anus may be another reason for holding back from a bowel movement. If it hurts to go to the bathroom, children are likely to hold it. Again, this can cause more problems because hard stools can cause tears as well.

What you can do

  • Offer fluids: water, soups. Milk should be offered in an appropriate quantity for your child, not more.
  • Offer high fiber food such as fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread
  • Do not insist on going to the toilet as children can hold back bowel movement. But try to set up a daily toilet routine: after nap time, dinner.
  • Do not push potty training as children can worry and hold back bowel movement.
  • Speak to your doctor if constipation is continuing or painful. He may give some medication that is suitable for children.

Dealing with constipation in children right away is important to setting up lifelong good bathroom habits.