How To Parent While Juggling Multiple Responsibilities

If you are reading this article, it is because you are a parent that is juggling many things. Maybe you are a parent plus an employee. Maybe you are a parent plus an entrepreneur. Maybe you are a single parent. Whatever the case, you have to take care of your family plus juggle your professional responsibilities. This article will give you tips on how to achieve a proper work life balance.

Working parent



I know you have probably heard this at least a dozen times, but you have to set your priorities. Especially when you are in a situation where you are trying to cram two days worth of stuff into one day. This is especially true if you are working a job and running a business from home at the same time. You don’t have the luxury that people who are just running a business have. You can not spend all day on your business. You have to decide which tasks will directly lead to moneyand focus on those tasks. You can’t neglect your family during this time either. Therefore you must choose your projects wisely. Don’t pick projects that require you to spend too much time away from home or your family.

Set realistic goals for the day


One thing I see people do over and over again is to set unrealistic goals. They see someone online say that they put up a money making blog in one hour and they try to do the same thing. They don’t consider the fact that they have kids running around that need attention or that they don’t know much about html or ftp or anything like that. In the above scenario a more realistic goal would be to have one page done in an hour. The key is to set goals that you can actually achieve in the time frame you specify.

Schedule time for fun


Many times parents are so concerned with their family’s needs that they neglect their own needs. In order to maintain a proper work life balance, you have to schedule some time for you to wind down. Maybe it’s just an hour totally doing nothing. Maybe you like to spend some time playing video games. Maybe you like to curl up with a good book. Whatever you like to do, schedule some time to spend doing just that. You will be less stressed out and you will be ready to deal with the rest of the day.

Learn to say no.


You’ve got to take Jimmy to softball. You’ve got to take Rachel to cheerleading. You’ve got to work on a proposal for new client work. You’ve got to work on projects for current clients. The list seems to go on and on. One way to avoid this is to say no to some things. It can be difficult not to get involved with every networking event or after school program. However, if saying yes to those things are making you stressed out, you may have find some other things to help keep your kids occupied after school. When you have less stuff on your plate that you don’t want to do, you will have more room for the stuff that you need to do for your business or for your education (if you are taking college classes while parenting).Being a parent is extremely rewarding. However maintaining a proper work life balance as a parent can be a challenge. Use some of the tips given in this article to help you get on track to a balanced life with less chaos.About the authorDeAnna Troupe is a small business coach. She runs her business while she works a part time job and raises four kids with her husband.